“Y” Synonyms in English and Hindi - ...

"Y" Synonyms in English and Hindi

Table of Contents

“Y” Nouns

1Yearवर्षAnnum, Calendar Year
2YouthयुवाYoungster, Teenager, Juvenile
3YachtयॉटSailboat, Cruiser
4YarnधागाThread, Wool, Fibre
5YieldउपजProduce, Harvest, Return
6YokeजुआHarness, Link, Connection
7YearningलालसाLonging, Desire, Craving
8Yawnजम्हाईGape, Ossification
9Yolkजर्दीEgg Yellow
10Youthfulnessयुवावस्थाAdolescence, Juvenility
11Yearbookवार्षिक पुस्तकAnnual, Almanac
12Yenइच्छाDesire, Craving, Longing
13YewयूConifer, Tree
14YelpचीखBark, Shriek, Yip
15YeastखमीरLeaven, Ferment
16YachtswomanनाविकाSailor, Seafarer
17YardstickमानदंडMeasure, Benchmark, Standard
18Yarn-spinnerकहानी कहने वालाStoryteller, Narrator
19YahooजंगलीBarbarian, Savage, Uncivilized Person
20Year-endवर्ष का अंतFiscal End, Closing Year
21YellowingपीलापनDiscoloration, Tarnishing
22Yesteryearबीता हुआ कलLast Year, Bygone Days
23Yieldingसमर्पणSubmission, Compliance, Concession
24YokelगंवारBumpkin, Countryman, Rustic
25YoungsterयुवकYouth, Teen, Juvenile

“Y” Adjectives

1YouthfulयुवाYoung, Juvenile, Fresh
2Yawningउबासी भराWide, Gapingly Open
3Yeastyखमीर से भराFrothy, Bubbly, Effervescent
4YellowपीलाGolden, Amber, Lemon
5Yearlyवार्षिकAnnual, Perennial
6Yonderउस पारDistant, Far-off, Remote
7YieldingलचीलाFlexible, Pliable, Compliant
8Yummyस्वादिष्टDelicious, Tasty, Delectable
9Yokedजोड़ा गयाJoined, Coupled, Connected
10Youngishकम उम्रSomewhat Young, Not Fully Mature
11Yearlongसाल भर काLasting a year, Throughout the year
12Yeomanlyनिष्ठावानDiligent, Sturdy, Loyal
13Yellowishहल्का पीलाSlightly Yellow, Tinged with Yellow
14YelpingभौंकनाBarking, Crying Out
15Yieldableझुकने योग्यPliable, Flexible, Surrendering

“Y” Adverbs

1Yearlyवार्षिक रूप सेAnnually, Every year
2Yeomanlyनिष्ठावान रूप सेSturdily, Valiantly - Though more of an adjective, used here to depict adverbial use in a stretch
3YesterdayकलOn the day before today
4Yonderउस पारOver there, At that place

“Y” Verbs

1Yawnजम्हाई लेनाGape, Oscitate
2Yearnलालसा होनाLong, Pine, Crave
3Yellचिल्लानाShout, Scream, Holler
4Yieldउत्पादन देनाProduce, Generate, Provide
5Yokeजोड़नाCouple, Link, Connect
6Youngयुवा बनानाRejuvenate, Renew
7Yankझटके से खींचनाPull, Tug, Jerk
8YelpचीखनाBark, Howl, Squeal
9Yearn forकी लालसा करनाDesire, Covet, Wish for
10Yellowपीला पड़नाBlanch, Pale
11Yodelयोडल गानाSing, Call
12Yoke togetherसाथ में जोड़नाUnite, Join, Pair
13Yield toके लिए झुकनाSuccumb, Submit, Surrender
14YawविचलनSwerve, Deviate, Veer
15Yearn afterके बाद तरसनाPursue, Seek, Aspire to
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