"V" Synonyms in English and Hindi
Table of Contents
“V” Nouns
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Vacancy | रिक्ति | Emptiness, Void, Gap |
2 | Vacation | अवकाश | Holiday, Break, Leave |
3 | Vaccination | टीकाकरण | Immunization, Inoculation, Jab |
4 | Validity | वैधता | Legitimacy, Authenticity, Credibility |
5 | Valor | वीरता | Bravery, Courage, Heroism |
6 | Value | मूल्य | Worth, Importance, Merit |
7 | Van | वैन | Minivan, Vehicle, Transporter |
8 | Vandalism | तोड़फोड़ | Destruction, Defacement, Damage |
9 | Vanguard | अग्रगामी | Forefront, Lead, Avant-garde |
10 | Vanity | घमंड | Conceit, Narcissism, Self-love |
11 | Variation | विविधता | Difference, Diversity, Discrepancy |
12 | Variety | किस्म | Assortment, Diversity, Range |
13 | Vase | फूलदान | Container, Urn, Pot |
14 | Vault | तहखाना | Safe, Chamber, Crypt |
15 | Vector | वेक्टर | Carrier, Direction, Path |
16 | Vegetation | वनस्पति | Flora, Plants, Greenery |
17 | Vehicle | वाहन | Transport, Car, Conveyance |
18 | Veil | घूंघट | Cover, Curtain, Shroud |
19 | Velocity | वेग | Speed, Quickness, Pace |
20 | Vendetta | प्रतिशोध | Feud, Revenge, Grudge |
21 | Vendor | विक्रेता | Seller, Trader, Merchant |
22 | Venture | उद्यम | Endeavor, Enterprise, Project |
23 | Venue | स्थल | Location, Site, Place |
24 | Veracity | सत्यता | Truthfulness, Honesty, Accuracy |
25 | Verb | क्रिया | Action word, Part of speech, Word class |
26 | Verdict | निर्णय | Decision, Judgment, Ruling |
27 | Verification | प्रमाणीकरण | Confirmation, Validation, Authentication |
28 | Vermin | कीट | Pests, Lice, Parasites |
29 | Version | संस्करण | Edition, Variant, Rendering |
30 | Vessel | पोत | Ship, Boat, Container |
31 | Vestige | अवशेष | Trace, Remnant, Relic |
32 | Veteran | अनुभवी | Expert, Pro, Old-timer |
33 | Veto | वीटो | Rejection, Prohibition, Denial |
34 | Vexation | क्षोभ | Annoyance, Irritation, Frustration |
35 | Viability | व्यवहार्यता | Feasibility, Practicality, Workability |
36 | Vibrancy | जीवंतता | Liveliness, Vitality, Energy |
37 | Vice | दोष | Sin, Evil, Wrongdoing |
38 | Victim | पीड़ित | Sufferer, Casualty, Martyr |
39 | Victory | विजय | Triumph, Win, Success |
40 | View | दृश्य | Perspective, Outlook, Scene |
41 | Vigil | जागरण | Watch, Surveillance, Wake |
42 | Vigilance | सतर्कता | Alertness, Watchfulness, Attention |
43 | Vigor | ओज | Energy, Strength, Vitality |
44 | Village | गाँव | Hamlet, Settlement, Community |
45 | Vindication | समर्थन | Justification, Defense, Exoneration |
46 | Violation | उल्लंघन | Breach, Infringement, Transgression |
47 | Violence | हिंसा | Aggression, Brutality, Force |
48 | Virtue | गुण | Goodness, Morality, Integrity |
49 | Virus | वायरस | Pathogen, Microbe, Germ |
50 | Vision | दृष्टि | Sight, Perception, Viewpoint |
51 | Visit | यात्रा | Trip, Excursion, Call |
52 | Visitor | आगंतुक | Guest, Caller, Tourist |
53 | Vitality | जीवन शक्ति | Energy, Vigor, Liveliness |
54 | Vocation | व्यवसाय | Occupation, Profession, Calling |
55 | Voice | आवाज | Sound, Expression, Vote |
56 | Volatility | अस्थिरता | Instability, Fluctuation, Variability |
57 | Volume | आयतन | Amount, Capacity, Magnitude |
58 | Volunteer | स्वयंसेवक | Helper, Assistant, Contributor |
59 | Vortex | भंवर | Whirlpool, Maelstrom, Swirl |
60 | Voyage | यात्रा | Journey, Travel, Expedition |
61 | Vulnerability | भेद्यता | Susceptibility, Weakness, Exposure |
62 | Vulgarity | अश्लीलता | Coarseness, Indecency, Crudeness |
“V” Adjectives
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Vacant | खाली | Empty, Unoccupied, Available |
2 | Vague | अस्पष्ट | Indistinct, Unclear, Nebulous |
3 | Valid | मान्य | Legitimate, Sound, Justifiable |
4 | Valorous | वीर | Brave, Courageous, Heroic |
5 | Valuable | मूल्यवान | Precious, Costly, Worthwhile |
6 | Vapid | नीरस | Dull, Uninteresting, Lifeless |
7 | Variable | परिवर्तनशील | Changeable, Inconstant, Fluctuating |
8 | Varied | विविध | Diverse, Assorted, Miscellaneous |
9 | Vast | विशाल | Immense, Huge, Extensive |
10 | Vehement | प्रचंड | Fierce, Intense, Passionate |
11 | Venerable | पूज्य | Respected, Honored, Revered |
12 | Vengeful | प्रतिशोधी | Revengeful, Vindictive, Spiteful |
13 | Venturesome | साहसी | Adventurous, Daring, Bold |
14 | Veracious | सत्यनिष्ठ | Truthful, Honest, Accurate |
15 | Verbal | मौखिक | Oral, Spoken, Vocal |
16 | Verdant | हरा-भरा | Green, Leafy, Lush |
17 | Verifiable | सत्यापनीय | Confirmable, Provable, Validatable |
18 | Versatile | बहुमुखी | Adaptable, Flexible, Multifaceted |
19 | Vertical | ऊर्ध्वाधर | Upright, Perpendicular, Erect |
20 | Vibrant | जीवंत | Lively, Vivid, Energetic |
21 | Vicious | दुष्ट | Malicious, Nasty, Cruel |
22 | Victorious | विजयी | Winning, Successful, Triumphant |
23 | Vigilant | सतर्क | Watchful, Alert, Attentive |
24 | Vigorous | सशक्त | Strong, Energetic, Robust |
25 | Vile | नीच | Despicable, Foul, Disgusting |
26 | Vindictive | प्रतिशोधी | Revengeful, Spiteful, Malicious |
27 | Violent | हिंसक | Brutal, Fierce, Aggressive |
28 | Virtual | आभासी | Digital, Online, Simulated |
29 | Virtuous | धार्मिक | Righteous, Ethical, Noble |
30 | Virulent | विषाक्त | Poisonous, Deadly, Toxic |
31 | Visible | दृश्यमान | Observable, Noticeable, Evident |
32 | Visionary | दूरदर्शी | Imaginative, Idealistic, Prophetic |
33 | Vital | महत्वपूर्ण | Essential, Crucial, Important |
34 | Vivacious | चुलबुला | Lively, Spirited, Animated |
35 | Vivid | स्पष्ट | Bright, Clear, Graphic |
36 | Vocal | मुखर | Outspoken, Verbal, Expressive |
37 | Void | शून्य | Empty, Vacant, Null |
38 | Volatile | अस्थिर | Unstable, Explosive, Erratic |
39 | Voluble | वाचाल | Talkative, Loquacious, Fluent |
40 | Voluminous | विस्तृत | Bulky, Large, Ample |
41 | Voluntary | स्वैच्छिक | Optional, Discretionary, Unforced |
42 | Voracious | लालची | Greedy, Ravenous, Insatiable |
43 | Votive | समर्पित | Dedicated, Devotional, Offered |
44 | Vulnerable | संवेदनशील | Exposed, Susceptible, Defenseless |
45 | Vulgar | अश्लील | Crude, Obscene, Indecent |
46 | Venerated | आदरणीय | Revered, Honored, Esteemed |
47 | Vexing | कष्टप्रद | Annoying, Irritating, Bothersome |
48 | Viable | व्यवहार्य | Feasible, Workable, Practical |
49 | Vicarious | प्रतिनिधित्व | Substitutive, Surrogate, Delegated |
50 | Vicious | क्रूर | Wicked, Malevolent, Ferocious |
51 | Victimized | शिकार | Exploited, Abused, Oppressed |
52 | Victorious | विजयी | Triumphant, Successful, Conquering |
53 | Vigilant | सावधान | Watchful, Alert, Attentive |
54 | Vigorous | ऊर्जावान | Energetic, Strong, Active |
55 | Villainous | खलनायकी | Evil, Wicked, Nefarious |
56 | Vindicated | न्यायसंगत | Justified, Exonerated, Cleared |
57 | Vindictive | प्रतिहिंसक | Revengeful, Spiteful, Vengeful |
58 | Vintage | पुराना | Classic, Antique, Old-fashioned |
59 | Violent | हिंसात्मक | Aggressive, Brutal, Savage |
60 | Viral | वायरल | Infectious, Contagious, Popular |
61 | Virtual | आभासी | Digital, Online, Simulated |
62 | Virtuous | सद्गुणी | Moral, Ethical, Righteous |
63 | Virulent | घातक | Deadly, Toxic, Poisonous |
64 | Visible | दृश्य | Observable, Apparent, Perceptible |
65 | Visionary | कल्पनाशील | Imaginative, Prophetic, Innovative |
66 | Vital | जीवनीय | Essential, Crucial, Life-sustaining |
67 | Vivacious | जीवंत | Lively, Spirited, Bubbly |
68 | Vivid | स्पष्ट | Bright, Clear, Colorful |
69 | Vocal | मुखर | Outspoken, Verbal, Articulate |
70 | Void | रिक्त | Empty, Null, Vacuous |
71 | Volatile | परिवर्तनशील | Unpredictable, Unstable, Changeable |
72 | Voluminous | बड़े आकार का | Large, Bulky, Extensive |
73 | Voluntary | स्वैच्छिक | Optional, Elective, Willing |
74 | Voracious | भूखा | Ravenous, Greedy, Insatiable |
75 | Vulnerable | कमजोर | Exposed, Susceptible, Open to attack |
“V” Adverbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Vaguely | अस्पष्ट रूप से | Indistinctly, Unclearly, Ambiguously |
2 | Valiantly | वीरतापूर्वक | Bravely, Courageously, Boldly |
3 | Validly | वैध रूप से | Legitimately, Lawfully, Justifiably |
4 | Vastly | विशाल रूप से | Immensely, Greatly, Extensively |
5 | Verbally | मौखिक रूप से | Orally, Spokenly, Vocally |
6 | Vertically | लंबवत रूप से | Uprightly, Perpendicularly, Erectly |
7 | Viciously | क्रूरतापूर्वक | Maliciously, Cruelly, Brutally |
8 | Vigilantly | सावधानीपूर्वक | Watchfully, Alertly, Attentively |
9 | Vigorously | जोरदार ढंग से | Strongly, Energetically, Forcefully |
10 | Vindictively | प्रतिहिंसापूर्वक | Revengefully, Spitefully, Maliciously |
11 | Violently | हिंसक रूप से | Aggressively, Fiercely, Brutally |
12 | Virtually | वस्तुतः | Essentially, Practically, Nearly |
13 | Visibly | स्पष्ट रूप से | Clearly, Noticeably, Evidently |
14 | Vivaciously | जीवंतता से | Lively, Animatedly, Spiritedly |
15 | Vividly | सजीवता से | Clearly, Brightly, Colorfully |
16 | Vocally | मुखर रूप से | Loudly, Expressively, Audibly |
17 | Voluntarily | स्वेच्छा से | Willingly, Freely, Unforcedly |
18 | Voluminously | विपुल रूप से | Extensively, Amplely, Copiously |
19 | Voraciously | लालची ढंग से | Greedily, Ravenously, Insatiably |
20 | Vulnerably | कमजोरी से | Exposedly, Susceptibly, Insecurely |
“V” Verbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Validate | मान्य करना | Confirm, Verify, Approve |
2 | Vanish | गायब होना | Disappear, Evaporate, Fade |
3 | Vary | भिन्न होना | Differ, Change, Alter |
4 | Venerate | पूजा करना | Revere, Admire, Honor |
5 | Venture | साहस करना | Dare, Risk, Embark |
6 | Verify | सत्यापित करना | Confirm, Check, Authenticate |
7 | Vex | परेशान करना | Annoy, Irritate, Bother |
8 | Vibrate | कंपन करना | Quiver, Oscillate, Shake |
9 | Victimize | शिकार बनाना | Exploit, Abuse, Deceive |
10 | Vie | प्रतिस्पर्धा करना | Compete, Contend, Rival |
11 | View | देखना | Observe, See, Regard |
12 | Violate | उल्लंघन करना | Infringe, Breach, Disobey |
13 | Visit | यात्रा करना | Travel to, Go to, Stop by |
14 | Visualize | कल्पना करना | Imagine, Envision, Picture |
15 | Vocalize | स्वर देना | Express, Utter, Voice |
16 | Void | रद्द करना | Cancel, Annul, Invalidate |
17 | Volunteer | स्वेच्छा से काम करना | Offer, Contribute, Serve |
18 | Vote | मतदान करना | Elect, Choose, Decide |
19 | Vow | प्रतिज्ञा करना | Promise, Swear, Pledge |
20 | Validate | पुष्टि करना | Confirm, Ratify, Endorse |
21 | Vanquish | विजयी होना | Conquer, Defeat, Overcome |
22 | Vary | परिवर्तन करना | Modify, Diversify, Alter |
23 | Vault | छलांग लगाना | Leap, Jump, Spring |
24 | Veer | मोड़ना | Turn, Swerve, Shift |
25 | Venerate | आदर करना | Respect, Worship, Idolize |
26 | Vent | उत्सर्जन करना | Release, Express, Discharge |
27 | Venture | उद्यम करना | Undertake, Embark on, Initiate |
28 | Verbalize | शब्दों में व्यक्त करना | Articulate, Express, State |
29 | Verify | जांच करना | Check, Validate, Confirm |
30 | Vex | चिढ़ाना | Annoy, Aggravate, Irritate |