"T" Synonyms in English and Hindi
Table of Contents
“T” Nouns
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Taboo | वर्जित | Prohibition, Ban, Restriction |
2 | Tactic | युक्ति | Strategy, Method, Technique |
3 | Talent | प्रतिभा | Skill, Ability, Aptitude |
4 | Tamper | छेड़छाड़ | Interfere, Meddle, Fiddle |
5 | Tangible | स्पर्शनीय | Concrete, Real, Palpable |
6 | Taper | घटाना | Diminish, Narrow, Reduce |
7 | Target | लक्ष्य | Goal, Objective, Aim |
8 | Task | कार्य | Job, Duty, Assignment |
9 | Taste | स्वाद | Flavor, Palate, Preference |
10 | Technique | तकनीक | Method, Skill, Procedure |
11 | Technology | प्रौद्योगिकी | Science, Engineering, IT |
12 | Temperament | स्वभाव | Disposition, Nature, Character |
13 | Tempo | गति | Pace, Speed, Rhythm |
14 | Tension | तनाव | Stress, Strain, Pressure |
15 | Terrain | इलाका | Land, Territory, Geography |
16 | Testament | वसीयतनामा | Will, Covenant, Testimony |
17 | Texture | बनावट | Feel, Fabric, Structure |
18 | Theory | सिद्धांत | Hypothesis, Doctrine, Concept |
19 | Therapy | चिकित्सा | Treatment, Healing, Remediation |
20 | Thesis | थीसिस | Dissertation, Argument, Proposition |
21 | Thrift | मितव्ययिता | Frugality, Economy, Saving |
22 | Thrill | रोमांच | Excitement, Rush, Exhilaration |
23 | Threshold | दहलीज | Brink, Verge, Beginning |
24 | Thrive | फलना-फूलना | Flourish, Prosper, Succeed |
25 | Thunder | गरज | Roar, Boom, Clap |
26 | Tilt | झुकाव | Lean, Slant, Incline |
27 | Time | समय | Duration, Period, Era |
28 | Tolerance | सहनशीलता | Endurance, Patience, Acceptance |
29 | Tone | स्वर | Sound, Pitch, Timbre |
30 | Topic | विषय | Subject, Theme, Issue |
31 | Torrent | प्रवाह | Flood, Deluge, Stream |
32 | Touch | स्पर्श | Contact, Feel, Sensation |
33 | Trace | निशान | Mark, Sign, Clue |
34 | Track | पटरी | Path, Trail, Rail |
35 | Tradition | परंपरा | Custom, Practice, Heritage |
36 | Traffic | यातायात | Vehicles, Movement, Flow |
37 | Tragedy | त्रासदी | Disaster, Misfortune, Catastrophe |
38 | Trail | पगडंडी | Path, Track, Route |
39 | Trait | लक्षण | Characteristic, Attribute, Quality |
40 | Tranquility | शांति | Peace, Calm, Serenity |
41 | Transaction | लेन-देन | Deal, Exchange, Trade |
42 | Transition | संक्रमण | Change, Shift, Conversion |
43 | Transgression | उल्लंघन | Violation, Offense, Breach |
44 | Translation | अनुवाद | Interpretation, Rendering, Conversion |
45 | Transparency | पारदर्शिता | Clarity, Openness, Candor |
46 | Trauma | आघात | Injury, Shock, Distress |
47 | Treasure | खजाना | Hoard, Wealth, Cache |
48 | Treaty | संधि | Agreement, Pact, Accord |
49 | Trend | प्रवृत्ति | Tendency, Movement, Direction |
50 | Trial | परीक्षण | Test, Examination, Hearing |
51 | Tribute | श्रद्धांजलि | Homage, Ovation, Commendation |
52 | Trickle | रिसाव | Drip, Flow, Stream |
53 | Triumph | विजय | Victory, Success, Achievement |
54 | Triviality | तुच्छता | Insignificance, Pettiness, Frivolity |
55 | Troop | दल | Squad, Company, Group |
56 | Trouble | परेशानी | Problem, Difficulty, Distress |
57 | Trust | विश्वास | Confidence, Faith, Belief |
58 | Truth | सत्य | Reality, Fact, Veracity |
59 | Turbulence | अशांति | Unrest, Disorder, Agitation |
60 | Turnover | कारोबार | Revenue, Sales, Business |
61 | Tutorial | ट्यूटोरियल | Lesson, Instruction, Guidance |
62 | Twilight | गोधूलि | Dusk, Evening, Sunset |
63 | Twist | मोड़ | Turn, Spiral, Curl |
64 | Type | प्रकार | Kind, Category, Genre |
65 | Tyranny | अत्याचार | Oppression, Dictatorship, Despotism |
66 | Tabulation | तालिकाबद्ध करना | Charting, Listing, Arranging |
67 | Tact | कूटनीति | Skill, Diplomacy, Discretion |
68 | Taint | दोष | Blemish, Stain, Corruption |
69 | Talent | प्रतिभा | Gift, Aptitude, Knack |
70 | Tangent | स्पर्शरेखा | Digression, Diversion, Departure |
71 | Tapestry | तपेस्ट्री | Fabric, Textile, Mosaic |
72 | Tariff | शुल्क | Charge, Rate, Duty |
73 | Tarnish | कलंक | Discolor, Stain, Blemish |
74 | Taskforce | कार्यबल | Team, Squad, Crew |
75 | Taste | रुचि | Preference, Liking, Palate |
76 | Taunt | ताना | Jeer, Mockery, Insult |
77 | Tautology | अनावश्यक पुनरावृत्ति | Redundancy, Repetition, Pleonasm |
78 | Tease | छेड़छाड़ | Mock, Taunt, Annoy |
79 | Technicality | तकनीकीता | Detail, Specificity, Fine point |
80 | Technique | कौशल | Method, Skill, Procedure |
81 | Technology | तकनीक | Electronics, Information Tech, Innovation |
82 | Tedium | उक्ताहट | Boredom, Monotony, Dullness |
83 | Temperance | संयम | Moderation, Self-control, Restraint |
84 | Tempest | तूफान | Storm, Hurricane, Gale |
85 | Tempo | लय | Pace, Rhythm, Speed |
86 | Temptation | प्रलोभन | Allurement, Enticement, Seduction |
87 | Tenacity | दृढ़ता | Persistence, Determination, Stubbornness |
88 | Tendency | प्रवृत्ति | Inclination, Propensity, Leanings |
89 | Tension | तनाव | Pressure, Stress, Strain |
90 | Tentative | अनिश्चित | Provisional, Preliminary, Uncertain |
91 | Tenure | कार्यकाल | Term, Period, Stint |
92 | Terrain | भूभाग | Land, Ground, Territory |
93 | Terse | संक्षिप्त | Concise, Succinct, Brief |
94 | Testament | प्रमाण | Witness, Evidence, Proof |
95 | Testimony | गवाही | Evidence, Declaration, Statement |
96 | Texture | संरचना | Structure, Weave, Fabric |
97 | Theater | रंगमंच | Playhouse, Auditorium, Arena |
98 | Theology | धर्मशास्त्र | Religion, Belief, Creed |
99 | Theory | सिद्धांत | Hypothesis, Principle, Doctrine |
100 | Therapy | उपचार | Treatment, Cure, Healing |
“T” Adjectives
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Tactful | विवेकी | Diplomatic, Considerate, Discreet |
2 | Tangible | मूर्त | Palpable, Material, Real |
3 | Tarnished | कलंकित | Discolored, Stained, Besmirched |
4 | Taut | तना हुआ | Tight, Stretched, Strained |
5 | Tedious | उबाऊ | Boring, Monotonous, Tiresome |
6 | Tempestuous | तूफानी | Stormy, Turbulent, Volatile |
7 | Tenable | विचारणीय | Defensible, Justifiable, Reasonable |
8 | Tenacious | दृढ़ | Persistent, Determined, Stubborn |
9 | Tender | कोमल | Gentle, Soft, Delicate |
10 | Tenuous | कमज़ोर | Weak, Slight, Flimsy |
11 | Terse | संक्षिप्त | Concise, Succinct, Brief |
12 | Testy | चिड़चिड़ा | Irritable, Touchy, Peevish |
13 | Theoretical | सैद्धांतिक | Hypothetical, Abstract, Conceptual |
14 | Therapeutic | चिकित्सीय | Healing, Curative, Remedial |
15 | Thick | मोटा | Dense, Bulky, Heavy |
16 | Thorough | पूर्ण | Comprehensive, Exhaustive, Complete |
17 | Thrifty | मितव्ययी | Frugal, Economical, Prudent |
18 | Thunderous | गर्जनापूर्ण | Loud, Roaring, Booming |
19 | Tidy | स्वच्छ | Neat, Orderly, Clean |
20 | Timely | समयोचित | Opportune, Prompt, Seasonable |
21 | Timid | डरपोक | Shy, Fearful, Cowardly |
22 | Tiresome | थकाऊ | Wearisome, Tedious, Boring |
23 | Tolerant | सहिष्णु | Permissive, Liberal, Patient |
24 | Topical | विषय-संबंधी | Relevant, Pertinent, Current |
25 | Torpid | सुस्त | Lethargic, Sluggish, Inactive |
26 | Tortuous | पेचीदा | Twisting, Winding, Complicated |
27 | Totalitarian | सर्वसत्तावादी | Autocratic, Dictatorial, Authoritarian |
28 | Tough | कठिन | Hard, Sturdy, Resilient |
29 | Tractable | वश में किया हुआ | Manageable, Compliant, Docile |
30 | Traditional | पारंपरिक | Conventional, Classic, Customary |
31 | Tragic | दुखद | Sad, Catastrophic, Disastrous |
32 | Tranquil | शांत | Peaceful, Calm, Serene |
33 | Transient | अल्पकालिक | Temporary, Fleeting, Short-lived |
34 | Transparent | पारदर्शी | Clear, Lucid, Opaque |
35 | Treacherous | विश्वासघाती | Deceptive, Untrustworthy, Dangerous |
36 | Tremendous | अत्यधिक | Enormous, Immense, Huge |
37 | Tricky | चालाक | Difficult, Cunning, Deceitful |
38 | Trivial | तुच्छ | Insignificant, Minor, Petty |
39 | Tropical | उष्णकटिबंधीय | Hot, Humid, Equatorial |
40 | Troublesome | परेशानी भरा | Difficult, Bothersome, Annoying |
41 | Truculent | उग्र | Aggressive, Belligerent, Hostile |
42 | True | सच्चा | Genuine, Real, Authentic |
43 | Trustworthy | विश्वसनीय | Reliable, Dependable, Honest |
44 | Truthful | सत्यनिष्ठ | Honest, Sincere, Candid |
45 | Tumultuous | अशांत | Turbulent, Stormy, Chaotic |
46 | Turbulent | अशांत | Unrestful, Stormy, Rough |
47 | Turgid | फूला हुआ | Swollen, Inflated, Bombastic |
48 | Typical | विशिष्ट | Characteristic, Usual, Standard |
49 | Tyrannical | निरंकुश | Dictatorial, Oppressive, Authoritarian |
50 | Tactile | स्पर्शनीय | Tangible, Touchable, Palpable |
51 | Tame | वश में | Domesticated, Subdued, Mild |
52 | Tangential | स्पर्शरेखीय | Divergent, Peripheral, Irrelevant |
53 | Tasteful | स्वादिष्ट | Elegant, Stylish, Refined |
54 | Tearful | अश्रुपूर्ण | Weepy, Crying, Sobbing |
55 | Technical | तकनीकी | Specialized, Expert, Mechanical |
56 | Tedious | नीरस | Boring, Dull, Monotonous |
57 | Teeming | भरा हुआ | Abundant, Brimming, Swarming |
58 | Tempting | लुभावना | Enticing, Alluring, Appealing |
59 | Tender | कोमल | Gentle, Soft, Delicate |
60 | Tense | तनावपूर्ण | Stressed, Strained, Anxious |
61 | Tentative | अनिश्चित | Provisional, Uncertain, Preliminary |
62 | Tepid | गुनगुना | Lukewarm, Warmish, Mild |
63 | Terse | संक्षिप्त | Concise, Brief, Succinct |
64 | Textured | बनावटी | Structured, Woven, Patterned |
65 | Theoretical | सैद्धांतिक | Hypothetical, Speculative, Abstract |
66 | Therapeutic | उपचारात्मक | Healing, Curative, Remedial |
67 | Thick | गाढ़ा | Dense, Heavy, Chunky |
68 | Thin | पतला | Slender, Slim, Lean |
69 | Thirsty | प्यासा | Parched, Dehydrated, Desirous |
70 | Thoughtful | विचारशील | Considerate, Reflective, Pensive |
71 | Thrifty | मितव्ययी | Economical, Frugal, Prudent |
72 | Thrilling | रोमांचक | Exciting, Exhilarating, Stimulating |
73 | Throbbing | धड़कता हुआ | Pulsating, Beating, Pounding |
74 | Thunderous | गर्जनशील | Loud, Roaring, Booming |
75 | Tidy | स्वच्छ | Neat, Orderly, Clean |
“T” Adverbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Tactfully | कुशलतापूर्वक | Diplomatically, Discreetly, Sensitively |
2 | Tangibly | स्पष्ट रूप से | Palpably, Materially, Solidly |
3 | Tardily | धीरे-धीरे | Slowly, Late, Laggardly |
4 | Teasingly | छेड़छाड़ से | Mockingly, Playfully, Coquettishly |
5 | Technically | तकनीकी रूप से | Scientifically, Specifically, Precisely |
6 | Tediously | नीरसता से | Boringly, Dully, Monotonously |
7 | Temporarily | अस्थायी रूप से | Briefly, Momentarily, Transiently |
8 | Tenderly | कोमलता से | Gently, Softly, Lovingly |
9 | Tensely | तनावपूर्वक | Nervously, Anxiously, Stiffly |
10 | Tepidly | गुनगुनापन से | Lukewarmly, Warmly, Mildly |
11 | Terribly | भयानक रूप से | Horribly, Dreadfully, Awfully |
12 | Terrifically | शानदार ढंग से | Wonderfully, Marvelously, Excellently |
13 | Thankfully | आभारपूर्वक | Gratefully, Appreciatively, Obligingly |
14 | Theoretically | सैद्धांतिक रूप से | Hypothetically, Abstractly, Speculatively |
15 | Thoroughly | पूरी तरह से | Completely, Entirely, Fully |
16 | Thoughtfully | विचारपूर्वक | Considerately, Reflectively, Mindfully |
17 | Threateningly | धमकी भरे ढंग से | Menacingly, Ominously, Hostilely |
18 | Thriftily | मितव्ययता से | Economically, Frugally, Prudently |
19 | Thrillingly | रोमांचक ढंग से | Excitingly, Stimulatingly, Exhilaratingly |
20 | Tightly | कसकर | Firmly, Closely, Securely |
21 | Timely | समय पर | Promptly, Opportunely, Punctually |
22 | Timidly | डरपोक ढंग से | Shyly, Fearfully, Meekly |
23 | Tiringly | थकाने वाला | Exhaustingly, Wearily, Fatiguingly |
24 | Tolerantly | सहनशीलता से | Open-mindedly, Permissively, Patiently |
25 | Totally | पूरी तरह से | Completely, Entirely, Wholly |
26 | Traditionally | पारंपरिक रूप से | Customarily, Conventionally, Habitually |
27 | Tragically | दुखद ढंग से | Sadly, Woefully, Mournfully |
28 | Tranquilly | शांतिपूर्वक | Peacefully, Serenely, Calmly |
29 | Transiently | क्षणिक रूप से | Briefly, Ephemeraly, Fleetingly |
30 | Tremendously | अत्यधिक | Enormously, Immensely, Vastly |
“T” Verbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Tackle | सामना करना | Confront, Handle, Address |
2 | Tailor | दर्ज़ी करना | Adapt, Customize, Shape |
3 | Taint | दूषित करना | Contaminate, Pollute, Spoil |
4 | Tamper | हेरफेर करना | Interfere, Meddle, Fiddle |
5 | Tantalize | तरसाना | Tease, Torment, Tempt |
6 | Tap | टैप करना | Knock, Strike, Utilize |
7 | Target | लक्ष्य बनाना | Aim, Focus, Pursue |
8 | Tarnish | कलंकित करना | Stain, Discolor, Besmirch |
9 | Taste | स्वाद लेना | Sample, Try, Experience |
10 | Teach | सिखाना | Instruct, Educate, Train |
11 | Tear | फाड़ना | Rip, Shred, Split |
12 | Tease | छेड़ना | Mock, Taunt, Annoy |
13 | Tempt | लुभाना | Entice, Lure, Seduce |
14 | Tend | देखभाल करना | Care, Look after, Attend |
15 | Terminate | समाप्त करना | End, Conclude, Finish |
16 | Terrify | डराना | Frighten, Scare, Intimidate |
17 | Test | परीक्षण करना | Examine, Assess, Evaluate |
18 | Thank | धन्यवाद देना | Appreciate, Grate, Acknowledge |
19 | Thaw | पिघलना | Melt, Defrost, Soften |
20 | Theorize | सिद्धांत बनाना | Speculate, Hypothesize, Conjecture |
21 | Thrive | फलना-फूलना | Prosper, Flourish, Succeed |
22 | Throttle | गला घोंटना | Strangle, Choke, Suppress |
23 | Thwart | विफल करना | Foil, Block, Prevent |
24 | Tickle | गुदगुदाना | Amuse, Delight, Pleasure |
25 | Tighten | कसना | Secure, Fasten, Strengthen |
26 | Tilt | झुकाना | Lean, Slant, Tip |
27 | Time | समय निर्धारित करना | Schedule, Arrange, Plan |
28 | Tint | रंग भरना | Color, Dye, Shade |
29 | Tire | थकाना | Exhaust, Weary, Fatigue |
30 | Tolerate | सहना | Endure, Bear, Withstand |