"Q" Synonyms in English and Hindi
Table of Contents
“Q” Nouns
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Quest | खोज | Search, Journey, Pursuit |
2 | Question | प्रश्न | Inquiry, Query, Interrogation |
3 | Quandary | दुविधा | Dilemma, Predicament, Confusion |
4 | Quantity | मात्रा | Amount, Volume, Number |
5 | Quarrel | झगड़ा | Argument, Dispute, Conflict |
6 | Quarry | खदान | Mine, Pit, Excavation site |
7 | Quest | अभियान | Expedition, Adventure, Mission |
8 | Quirk | विचित्रता | Eccentricity, Idiosyncrasy, Oddity |
9 | Quota | कोटा | Allocation, Share, Portion |
10 | Quotation | उद्धरण | Citation, Reference, Excerpt |
11 | Quality | गुणवत्ता | Excellence, Caliber, Characteristic |
12 | Quandary | संकट | Crisis, Difficulty, Plight |
13 | Quiver | तरकश | Case for arrows, Sheath, Container |
14 | Quota | हिस्सा | Part, Allowance, Assignment |
15 | Quench | बुझाना | Extinguish, Satisfy, Slake |
16 | Query | सवाल | Question, Inquiry, Interrogation |
17 | Quibble | बहाना | Excuse, Pretext, Evasion |
18 | Quietude | शांति | Tranquility, Peace, Calmness |
19 | Quintessence | सार | Essence, Core, Heart |
20 | Quip | चुटकुला | Joke, Witticism, Gibe |
21 | Quagmire | दलदल | Swamp, Mire, Morass |
22 | Quake | भूकंप | Earthquake, Tremor, Shake |
23 | Qualm | संदेह | Doubt, Misgiving, Apprehension |
24 | Quandary | उलझन | Dilemma, Confusion, Uncertainty |
25 | Quarantine | संगरोध | Isolation, Confinement, Seclusion |
26 | Quartet | चौकड़ी | Foursome, Group of four, Ensemble |
27 | Quasar | क्वेसर | Astronomical object, Starlike object |
28 | Quaver | कांपना | Tremble, Shake, Shiver |
29 | Quay | घाट | Dock, Wharf, Pier |
30 | Queer | अजीब | Strange, Odd, Unusual |
31 | Quell | दबाना | Suppress, Subdue, Crush |
32 | Quench | प्यास बुझाना | Satisfy, Slake, Allay |
33 | Quest | तलाश | Search, Hunt, Exploration |
34 | Queue | कतार | Line, Row, Column |
35 | Quibble | टाल-मटोल | Evasion, Equivocation, Nitpicking |
36 | Quickening | त्वरण | Acceleration, Hastening, Stimulation |
37 | Quiet | शांति | Silence, Calm, Peacefulness |
38 | Quintet | पंचक | Group of five, Ensemble |
39 | Quirk | सनक | Oddity, Eccentricity, Peculiarity |
40 | Quota | निर्धारित हिस्सा | Share, Allotment, Allocation |
41 | Quotation | कोटेशन | Quote, Saying, Excerpt |
42 | Quiver | कंपन | Tremble, Shake, Shudder |
43 | Quota | सीमा | Limit, Allocation, Proportion |
44 | Quotient | लाभांश | Result, Outcome, Ratio |
45 | Quirk | खासियत | Feature, Trait, Characteristic |
46 | Quandary | भ्रम | Bewilderment, Perplexity, Confusion |
47 | Quasar | ब्रह्मांडीय पिंड | Cosmic object, Galaxy core, Luminous object |
48 | Quench | शांत करना | Cool, Pacify, Calm |
49 | Quest | मिशन | Mission, Expedition, Pursuit |
50 | Queue | पंक्ति | Line, Sequence, Array |
51 | Quagmire | कीचड़ | Bog, Morass, Swamp |
52 | Qualification | योग्यता | Credential, Capability, Skill |
53 | Quality | गुणवत्ता | Merit, Excellence, Worth |
54 | Quandary | कशमकश | Dilemma, Impasse, Predicament |
55 | Quantification | मात्रांकन | Measurement, Calculation, Assessment |
56 | Quantity | संख्या | Amount, Volume, Bulk |
57 | Quarantine | पृथक्करण | Isolation, Segregation, Detention |
58 | Quark | क्वार्क | Subatomic particle, Elementary particle |
59 | Quart | क्वार्ट | Unit of volume, Measure |
60 | Quarter | तिमाही | Segment, Section, Part |
61 | Quasar | दूरबीन से देखने वाला तारा | Distant star, Celestial object |
62 | Quaver | कंपकंपी | Tremor, Vibration, Shiver |
63 | Quay | जेटी | Jetty, Dock, Pier |
64 | Quenching | शमन | Extinguishing, Suppressing, Cooling |
65 | Query | जिज्ञासा | Question, Enquiry, Investigation |
66 | Quest | अन्वेषण | Exploration, Search, Pursuit |
67 | Questionnaire | प्रश्नावली | Survey, Form, Inquiry form |
68 | Queue | लाइन | Lineup, Sequence, Waiting line |
69 | Quibble | छल | Subterfuge, Evasion, Sophistry |
70 | Quickness | तेजी | Speed, Swiftness, Rapidity |
71 | Quiet | मौन | Silence, Hush, Stillness |
72 | Quill | कलम | Pen, Feather, Spine |
73 | Quilt | रजाई | Comforter, Bedspread, Blanket |
74 | Quirk | विचित्रता | Whim, Caprice, Fad |
75 | Quota | कोटि | Limit, Share, Portion |
76 | Quotation | उद्धरण | Saying, Aphorism, Citation |
77 | Quote | उद्धरण | Citation, Reference, Mention |
78 | Quotient | भागफल | Result, Ratio, Fraction |
79 | Qur'an | कुरान | Islamic scripture, Holy book |
80 | Quiver | थरथराहट | Shudder, Tremble, Shake |
81 | Quota | निर्धारित भाग | Allocation, Apportionment, Share |
82 | Quotation | बोली | Bid, Price, Estimate |
83 | Quorum | गणपूर्ति | Minimum, Requirement, Necessity |
84 | Quota | आवंटन | Allocation, Assignment, Allotment |
85 | Quotidian | दैनिक | Daily, Everyday, Usual |
86 | Quibble | तर्क | Argument, Dispute, Contention |
87 | Quiescence | शांति | Calmness, Tranquility, Repose |
88 | Quill | पंख | Feather, Plume, Pinion |
89 | Quip | व्यंग्य | Jest, Joke, Witty remark |
90 | Quirk | आदत | Habit, Trait, Idiosyncrasy |
91 | Quiver | काँपना | Shiver, Tremor, Flutter |
92 | Quota | भाग | Part, Share, Segment |
93 | Quotation | कथन | Statement, Pronouncement, Declaration |
94 | Quiver | तीर कमान | Bow, Arrow holder, Case |
95 | Quota | मात्रा | Amount, Measure, Quantity |
96 | Quotient | अनुपात | Proportion, Rate, Degree |
97 | Qur'an | पवित्र ग्रंथ | Sacred text, Scripture, Holy Writ |
98 | Quake | कांप | Shudder, Tremble, Quiver |
99 | Quandary | दुविधा | Confusion, Dilemma, Uncertainty |
100 | Quarrel | विवाद | Disagreement, Argument, Spat |
“Q” Adjectives
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Quaint | विचित्र | Charming, Odd, Picturesque |
2 | Qualified | योग्य | Competent, Skilled, Capable |
3 | Quantifiable | मापनीय | Measurable, Assessable, Calculable |
4 | Quarrelsome | झगड़ालू | Argumentative, Contentious, Belligerent |
5 | Querulous | शिकायती | Complaining, Grumbling, Whining |
6 | Questionable | संदिग्ध | Doubtful, Dubious, Suspicious |
7 | Quick | तेज | Fast, Swift, Rapid |
8 | Quiet | शांत | Silent, Hushed, Tranquil |
9 | Quintessential | सारगर्भित | Perfect, Typical, Ideal |
10 | Quixotic | अव्यावहारिक | Idealistic, Unrealistic, Impractical |
11 | Quotable | उद्धरणीय | Citable, Memorable, Remarkable |
12 | Quaintly | अनोखे ढंग से | Uniquely, Eccentrically, Charmingly |
13 | Quickly | जल्दी से | Rapidly, Swiftly, Speedily |
14 | Quietly | चुपचाप | Silently, Softly, Peacefully |
15 | Quintessentially | मूल रूप से | Essentially, Ultimately, Perfectly |
16 | Quizzically | विचित्र रूप से | Puzzlingly, Questioningly, Curiously |
17 | Quaint | अनोखा | Old-fashioned, Charming, Unusual |
18 | Qualitative | गुणात्मक | Descriptive, Subjective, Evaluative |
19 | Quantitative | मात्रात्मक | Numerical, Measurable, Statistical |
20 | Quarrelsome | विवादास्पद | Contentious, Pugnacious, Bellicose |
21 | Querulous | चिड़चिड़ा | Complaining, Petulant, Peevish |
22 | Questionable | प्रश्नयोग्य | Dubious, Doubtful, Arguable |
23 | Quick-witted | तीव्र बुद्धि | Sharp, Clever, Intelligent |
24 | Quiet | चुप | Mute, Silent, Hushed |
25 | Quirky | सनकी | Eccentric, Odd, Unconventional |
26 | Quizzical | प्रश्नवाचक | Puzzled, Skeptical, Mocking |
27 | Quotidian | रोजमर्रा का | Daily, Everyday, Commonplace |
28 | Quashed | निरस्त | Annulled, Suppressed, Nullified |
29 | Quenchless | अक्षय | Unquenchable, Inextinguishable, Tireless |
30 | Quiescent | निष्क्रिय | Inactive, Dormant, Latent |
31 | Quintuple | पांच गुना | Fivefold, Pentuple |
32 | Quirky | विलक्षण | Unusual, Eccentric, Bizarre |
33 | Quotable | स्मरणीय | Memorable, Noteworthy, Remarkable |
34 | Quivering | कंपकंपाता | Shaking, Trembling, Shivering |
35 | Quixotic | अवास्तविक | Unrealistic, Idealistic, Romantic |
36 | Quotidian | दैनिक | Everyday, Ordinary, Daily |
37 | Qualitative | गुणवत्ता संबंधी | Subjective, Descriptive, Evaluative |
38 | Quantitative | संख्यात्मक | Numerical, Measurable, Calculable |
39 | Quarantined | संगरोध में | Isolated, Secluded, Confined |
40 | Quashed | कुचल दिया | Suppressed, Crushed, Overturned |
41 | Quasi | अर्ध- | Semi-, Partially, Somewhat |
42 | Queasy | मिचली आना | Nauseous, Sick, Uncomfortable |
43 | Quelled | दबा दिया गया | Suppressed, Subdued, Crushed |
44 | Quenched | बुझा हुआ | Satisfied, Slaked, Extinguished |
45 | Queried | पूछताछ की गई | Questioned, Inquired, Probed |
46 | Quested | खोजा गया | Searched, Sought, Pursued |
47 | Quickened | तेज किया गया | Accelerated, Hastened, Sped up |
48 | Quilted | रजाई बना हुआ | Padded, Insulated, Stitched |
49 | Quixotic | खयाली | Idealistic, Visionary, Fanciful |
50 | Quizzed | पूछताछ की गई | Examined, Tested, Interrogated |
51 | Quaintly | अजीब तरह से | Oddly, Uniquely, Charmingly |
52 | Quakingly | कांपते हुए | Tremulously, Shakingly, Fearfully |
53 | Qualitatively | गुणात्मक रूप से | In terms of quality, Distinctively |
54 | Quantifiably | मात्रात्मक रूप से | In measurable terms, Numerically |
55 | Quarterly | तिमाही | Every quarter, Seasonally, Periodically |
56 | Queasily | मतली से | Nauseatingly, Sickeningly, Unsteadily |
57 | Querulously | शिकायती तौर पर | Complainingly, Whiningly, Grumblingly |
58 | Questionably | संदेहास्पद रूप से | Doubtfully, Dubiously, Suspiciously |
59 | Quietly | शांति से | Silently, Softly, Peacefully |
60 | Quintessentially | सारतत्व से | Essentially, Perfectly, Ultimately |
61 | Quirkily | विचित्र रूप से | Eccentrically, Unconventionally, Oddly |
62 | Quixotically | अवास्तविक रूप से | Idealistically, Unrealistically, Romantically |
“Q” Adverbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Quietly | चुपचाप | Silently, Softly, Calmly |
2 | Quickly | तेजी से | Rapidly, Swiftly, Speedily |
3 | Quietly | शांति से | Peacefully, Tranquilly, Serenely |
4 | Quizzically | विचित्रता से | Puzzledly, Questioningly, Skeptically |
5 | Quaintly | अजीब ढंग से | Unusually, Charmingly, Oddly |
6 | Qualitatively | गुणात्मक रूप से | In terms of quality, Distinctively, Essentially |
7 | Quantitatively | मात्रात्मक रूप से | Numerically, In terms of quantity, Measurably |
8 | Quarterly | तिमाही में | Every three months, Seasonally, Periodically |
9 | Quaveringly | कांपते हुए | Tremulously, Shakingly, Vibratingly |
10 | Querulously | शिकायती तौर पर | Complainingly, Whiningly, Grumpily |
11 | Questioningly | प्रश्नवाचक रूप से | Inquiringly, Doubtfully, Curiously |
12 | Quickly | फुर्ती से | Hastily, Promptly, Briskly |
13 | Quietly | मौन रूप से | Hushedly, Noiselessly, Soundlessly |
14 | Quirkily | सनकी रूप से | Eccentrically, Unconventionally, Unpredictably |
15 | Quixotically | आदर्शवादी रूप से | Idealistically, Impractically, Romantically |
16 | Quotably | उद्धरण योग्य रूप से | Memorably, Noteworthily, Citably |
17 | Quiescently | निष्क्रियता से | Inactively, Dormantly, Passively |
18 | Quintessentially | मूल रूप से | Essentially, Perfectly, Ultimately |
19 | Quiveringly | कंपकंपाते हुए | Tremblingly, Shiveringly, Shakingly |
20 | Quixotically | खयाली पुलाव पकाने की तरह | Unrealistically, Fantastically, Visionarily |
21 | Quotidianly | रोजमर्रा की तरह | Daily, Commonly, Ordinarily |
22 | Quasi-judicially | अर्ध-न्यायिक रूप से | Semi-officially, In a quasi-judicial manner |
23 | Quenchlessly | अक्षय रूप से | Insatiably, Unquenchably, Inextinguishably |
24 | Quintessentially | पूर्ण रूप से | Essentially, Perfectly, Absolutely |
25 | Quotably | स्मरणीय रूप से | Memorably, Remarkably, Noteworthily |
“Q” Verbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Quarrel | झगड़ना | Argue, Dispute, Bicker |
2 | Quash | खारिज करना | Annul, Overturn, Suppress |
3 | Quell | शांत करना | Suppress, Subdue, Crush |
4 | Query | पूछताछ करना | Ask, Inquire, Question |
5 | Question | सवाल करना | Inquire, Probe, Interrogate |
6 | Quicken | तेज़ करना | Accelerate, Hasten, Speed up |
7 | Quiet | शांत करना | Silence, Hush, Calm |
8 | Quip | चुटकुला सुनाना | Joke, Jest, Wisecrack |
9 | Quirk | विचित्रता दिखाना | Twist, Flick, Eccentricity |
10 | Quit | छोड़ना | Leave, Abandon, Resign |
11 | Quiver | कांपना | Tremble, Shake, Shudder |
12 | Quote | उद्धृत करना | Cite, Reference, Mention |
13 | Quibble | कुतर्क करना | Argue, Nitpick, Cavil |
14 | Quantify | मात्रा निर्धारित करना | Measure, Calculate, Evaluate |
15 | Quarantine | संगरोध में रखना | Isolate, Seclude, Confine |
16 | Quash | निरस्त करना | Repeal, Nullify, Cancel |
17 | Quench | प्यास बुझाना | Satisfy, Slake, Extinguish |
18 | Quest | खोज करना | Search, Seek, Pursue |
19 | Quicken | जीवित करना | Revive, Stimulate, Invigorate |
20 | Quiet | शांत होना | Settle, Still, Tranquilize |
21 | Quip | व्यंग्य करना | Remark, Comment, Jest |
22 | Quirk | विचित्र व्यवहार करना | Behave oddly, Act strangely |
23 | Quiver | थरथराना | Flutter, Oscillate, Vibrate |
24 | Quash | दबाना | Crush, Suppress, Subdue |
25 | Quench | बुझाना | Extinguish, Put out, Douse |
26 | Quibble | छल करना | Evade, Hedge, Prevaricate |
27 | Quiesce | शांत हो जाना | Become quiet, Calm down, Lull |
28 | Quip | ताना मारना | Make a witty remark, Joke, Sarcasm |
29 | Quiver | लरजना | Shiver, Tremor, Shake |
30 | Quiz | प्रश्नोत्तरी करना | Examine, Test, Interrogate |