"O" Synonyms in English and Hindi
Table of Contents
“O” Nouns
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Oasis | मरुद्यान | Haven, Refuge, Sanctuary |
2 | Oath | शपथ | Pledge, Vow, Promise |
3 | Obedience | आज्ञाकारिता | Compliance, Submission, Conformity |
4 | Object | वस्तु | Item, Thing, Artifact |
5 | Objective | उद्देश्य | Aim, Goal, Target |
6 | Obligation | दायित्व | Duty, Responsibility, Commitment |
7 | Obscurity | अस्पष्टता | Ambiguity, Vagueness, Uncertainty |
8 | Observation | अवलोकन | Remark, Comment, Notation |
9 | Obsession | जुनून | Fixation, Preoccupation, Mania |
10 | Obstacle | बाधा | Barrier, Hindrance, Impediment |
11 | Occasion | अवसर | Event, Opportunity, Moment |
12 | Occupation | व्यवसाय | Profession, Job, Career |
13 | Ocean | सागर | Sea, Marine, Aquatic |
14 | Ode | स्तुति काव्य | Tribute, Poem, Elegy |
15 | Odor | गंध | Scent, Smell, Aroma |
16 | Offense | अपराध | Crime, Violation, Transgression |
17 | Offer | प्रस्ताव | Proposal, Suggestion, Bid |
18 | Office | कार्यालय | Workplace, Bureau, Agency |
19 | Officer | अधिकारी | Official, Executive, Leader |
20 | Offspring | संतान | Children, Progeny, Descendants |
21 | Omen | शकुन | Sign, Portent, Indicator |
22 | Onset | शुरुआत | Beginning, Start, Commencement |
23 | Opera | ओपेरा | Drama, Performance, Show |
24 | Operation | संचालन | Procedure, Activity, Functioning |
25 | Opinion | राय | Viewpoint, Belief, Judgment |
26 | Opponent | प्रतिद्वंद्वी | Rival, Adversary, Competitor |
27 | Opportunity | अवसर | Chance, Possibility, Opening |
28 | Opposition | विरोध | Resistance, Hostility, Antagonism |
29 | Optimism | आशावाद | Hopefulness, Positivity, Confidence |
30 | Option | विकल्प | Choice, Alternative, Selection |
31 | Oracle | भविष्यवक्ता | Prophet, Seer, Diviner |
32 | Oratory | वक्तृत्व | Eloquence, Rhetoric, Speech-making |
33 | Orbit | कक्षा | Path, Circle, Trajectory |
34 | Order | आदेश | Command, Instruction, Directive |
35 | Ordinance | अध्यादेश | Decree, Regulation, Law |
36 | Ore | अयस्क | Mineral, Metal, Deposit |
37 | Organ | अंग | Instrument, Body part, Unit |
38 | Organization | संगठन | Institution, Association, Corporation |
39 | Origin | उत्पत्ति | Source, Beginning, Root |
40 | Originality | मौलिकता | Creativity, Ingenuity, Novelty |
41 | Outbreak | प्रकोप | Eruption, Outburst, Explosion |
42 | Outcome | परिणाम | Result, Conclusion, Effect |
43 | Outfit | पोशाक | Ensemble, Gear, Attire |
44 | Outlaw | अपराधी | Criminal, Bandit, Fugitive |
45 | Outlet | निकास | Vent, Exit, Channel |
46 | Outline | रूपरेखा | Summary, Framework, Sketch |
47 | Outrage | क्रोध | Anger, Fury, Indignation |
48 | Outreach | पहुँच | Extension, Spread, Range |
49 | Outsider | बाहरी व्यक्ति | Stranger, Foreigner, Alien |
50 | Ovation | सम्मान | Applause, Acclamation, Praise |
51 | Ownership | स्वामित्व | Possession, Proprietorship, Title |
52 | Oxymoron | विरोधाभास | Paradox, Contradiction, Antithesis |
53 | Oasis | मरुद्यान | Sanctuary, Refuge, Haven |
54 | Oath | प्रतिज्ञा | Vow, Promise, Pledge |
55 | Obelisk | स्मारक स्तंभ | Monument, Pillar, Column |
56 | Obesity | मोटापा | Fatness, Overweight, Corpulence |
57 | Objection | आपत्ति | Protest, Complaint, Demurral |
58 | Oblivion | विस्मरण | Forgetfulness, Unawareness, Obscurity |
59 | Obsession | ग्रस्तता | Compulsion, Fixation, Mania |
60 | Obstacle | रुकावट | Impediment, Barrier, Block |
61 | Occult | गुप्त | Supernatural, Mystic, Magical |
62 | Occupant | निवासी | Resident, Inhabitant, Tenant |
63 | Oceanography | समुद्र विज्ञान | Marine science, Sea study |
64 | Octave | सप्तक | Interval, Scale, Sequence |
65 | Ode | स्तोत्र | Poem, Sonnet, Lyric |
66 | Odyssey | महाकाव्य | Journey, Adventure, Voyage |
67 | Offense | आक्रमण | Assault, Attack, Aggression |
68 | Offering | अर्पण | Gift, Donation, Contribution |
69 | Offspring | वंशज | Progeny, Descendants, Issue |
70 | Ointment | मलहम | Salve, Cream, Lotion |
71 | Olfaction | घ्राण | Smell, Scent, Aroma |
72 | Oligarchy | अल्पसत्तातंत्र | Rule by few, Elitism, Plutocracy |
73 | Omen | संकेत | Sign, Portent, Forewarning |
74 | Onomatopoeia | ध्वन्यात्मकता | Echoism, Sound imitation |
75 | Onslaught | हमला | Attack, Assault, Invasion |
76 | Opaque | अपारदर्शी | Non-transparent, Cloudy, Obscure |
77 | Opera | संगीत नाटक | Musical drama, Theatrical performance |
78 | Opulence | ऐश्वर्य | Wealth, Affluence, Richness |
79 | Oracle | भविष्यवक्ता | Prophet, Seer, Soothsayer |
80 | Oratory | भाषण कला | Eloquence, Rhetoric, Public speaking |
81 | Orbit | परिक्रमा पथ | Path, Circle, Course |
82 | Orchestra | वाद्यवृंद | Ensemble, Symphony, Band |
83 | Ordinance | विधान | Decree, Edict, Regulation |
84 | Ore | खनिज | Mineral, Metal, Lode |
85 | Organism | जीव | Creature, Being, Entity |
86 | Organization | संस्था | Group, Institution, Corporation |
87 | Originality | अद्वितीयता | Uniqueness, Creativity, Novelty |
88 | Ornament | आभूषण | Decoration, Adornment, Embellishment |
89 | Orphan | अनाथ | Waif, Foundling, Stray |
90 | Orthodoxy | परंपरागत मान्यता | Conventionality, Traditionalism, Conservatism |
91 | Oscillation | दोलन | Vibration, Swinging, Fluctuation |
92 | Osmosis | परासरण | Absorption, Infiltration, Diffusion |
93 | Ostracism | निष्कासन | Exclusion, Banishment, Expulsion |
94 | Outcast | परित्यक्त | Pariah, Reject, Exile |
95 | Outcry | विरोध | Protest, Uproar, Clamor |
96 | Outfit | संगठन | Gear, Equipment, Kit |
97 | Outlaw | विधि-विरुद्ध | Criminal, Bandit, Rebel |
98 | Outlook | दृष्टिकोण | Perspective, Viewpoint, Attitude |
99 | Outrage | अपमान | Indignation, Fury, Wrath |
100 | Output | उत्पादन | Production, Yield, Outcome |
“O” Adjectives
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Obligatory | अनिवार्य | Mandatory, Compulsory, Required |
2 | Obscure | अस्पष्ट | Unclear, Vague, Ambiguous |
3 | Obsolete | अप्रचलित | Outdated, Antiquated, Old-fashioned |
4 | Occasional | अवसरिक | Infrequent, Sporadic, Periodic |
5 | Ominous | अमंगल | Foreboding, Threatening, Sinister |
6 | Opaque | धुंधला | Non-transparent, Cloudy, Murky |
7 | Open | खुला | Uncovered, Accessible, Unsealed |
8 | Operative | सक्रिय | Functional, Working, Effective |
9 | Opportunistic | अवसरवादी | Exploitative, Calculating, Self-serving |
10 | Oppressive | दमनकारी | Tyrannical, Harsh, Burdensome |
11 | Optimal | इष्टतम | Best, Ideal, Perfect |
12 | Optimistic | आशावादी | Hopeful, Positive, Sanguine |
13 | Optional | वैकल्पिक | Voluntary, Elective, Discretionary |
14 | Opulent | धनी | Wealthy, Rich, Luxurious |
15 | Oral | मौखिक | Verbal, Spoken, Vocal |
16 | Orderly | व्यवस्थित | Organized, Neat, Systematic |
17 | Organic | जैविक | Natural, Biological, Eco-friendly |
18 | Original | मूल | Unique, Novel, First |
19 | Ornate | सजावटी | Decorated, Embellished, Elaborate |
20 | Orthodox | पारंपरिक | Conventional, Traditional, Conservative |
21 | Ostentatious | दिखावटी | Showy, Flashy, Pretentious |
22 | Outgoing | मिलनसार | Sociable, Extroverted, Friendly |
23 | Outlandish | अजीब | Bizarre, Strange, Unconventional |
24 | Outrageous | अत्यधिक | Shocking, Excessive, Scandalous |
25 | Outstanding | उत्कृष्ट | Exceptional, Remarkable, Excellent |
26 | Oval | अंडाकार | Elliptical, Egg-shaped, Rounded |
27 | Overbearing | अहंकारी | Domineering, Arrogant, Tyrannical |
28 | Overjoyed | अतिप्रसन्न | Ecstatic, Elated, Delighted |
29 | Overwhelming | अभिभूत | Staggering, Profound, Intense |
30 | Obedient | आज्ञाकारी | Compliant, Submissive, Docile |
31 | Objective | निष्पक्ष | Unbiased, Impartial, Detached |
32 | Oblivious | बेखबर | Unaware, Unconscious, Ignorant |
33 | Obnoxious | अप्रिय | Annoying, Disagreeable, Unpleasant |
34 | Obsessive | जुनूनी | Compulsive, Fanatical, Fixated |
35 | Obstructive | बाधादायक | Hindering, Blocking, Impeding |
36 | Obtuse | मंद | Dull, Slow-witted, Blunt |
37 | Occult | गुप्त | Mystical, Esoteric, Magical |
38 | Oceanic | सागरीय | Marine, Aquatic, Vast |
39 | Odd | विचित्र | Strange, Unusual, Bizarre |
40 | Offbeat | असामान्य | Unconventional, Unusual, Quirky |
41 | Offensive | आक्रामक | Insulting, Disrespectful, Provocative |
42 | Offhand | बेपरवाह | Casual, Unconcerned, Nonchalant |
43 | Officious | अति सक्रिय | Meddlesome, Intrusive, Overzealous |
44 | Oily | तैलीय | Greasy, Slick, Smooth |
45 | Ominous | अशुभ | Menacing, Foreboding, Threatening |
46 | Omnipotent | सर्वशक्तिमान | All-powerful, Almighty, Supreme |
47 | Omniscient | सर्वज्ञ | All-knowing, Wise, Informed |
48 | Onerous | भारी | Burdensome, Heavy, Taxing |
49 | Opaque | अपारदर्शी | Cloudy, Obscure, Murky |
50 | Open-ended | अनिश्चितकालीन | Flexible, Unlimited, Indeterminate |
51 | Operatic | ओपेरा संबंधी | Dramatic, Theatrical, Exaggerated |
52 | Opportune | उपयुक्त | Timely, Appropriate, Favorable |
53 | Oppressive | दबावपूर्ण | Harsh, Cruel, Severe |
54 | Optimal | सर्वोत्तम | Ideal, Best, Perfect |
55 | Optimistic | सकारात्मक | Hopeful, Positive, Buoyant |
56 | Optional | वैकल्पिक | Elective, Discretionary, Voluntary |
57 | Opulent | धनाढ्य | Luxurious, Wealthy, Affluent |
58 | Oracular | भविष्यवाणी संबंधी | Prophetic, Mystical, Divinatory |
59 | Orbital | कक्षीय | Circular, Spherical, Elliptical |
60 | Orderly | सुसंगत | Systematic, Organized, Neat |
61 | Organic | जैविक | Natural, Biological, Eco-friendly |
62 | Organized | संगठित | Systematic, Structured, Coordinated |
63 | Original | मौलिक | Novel, Unique, Creative |
64 | Ornamental | सजावटी | Decorative, Embellished, Adorned |
65 | Ornery | चिड़चिड़ा | Stubborn, Cantankerous, Grumpy |
66 | Orthodox | परंपरागत | Conventional, Traditional, Established |
67 | Oscillatory | दोलनशील | Vibratory, Swinging, Wavering |
68 | Ostensible | प्रत्यक्ष | Apparent, Seeming, Supposed |
69 | Outdated | पुराना | Obsolete, Antiquated, Old |
70 | Outgoing | बहिर्मुखी | Extroverted, Sociable, Friendly |
71 | Outlandish | विचित्र | Bizarre, Weird, Unconventional |
72 | Outrageous | अत्यधिक | Shocking, Excessive, Scandalous |
73 | Outstanding | असाधारण | Exceptional, Remarkable, Extraordinary |
74 | Overbearing | अभिमानी | Domineering, Arrogant, Assertive |
75 | Overjoyed | बहुत खुश | Ecstatic, Elated, Jubilant |
“O” Adverbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Obviously | स्पष्ट रूप से | Clearly, Evidently, Plainly |
2 | Occasionally | कभी-कभी | Sometimes, Periodically, Infrequently |
3 | Oddly | अजीब तरह से | Strangely, Unusually, Peculiarly |
4 | Offensively | आक्रामक रूप से | Aggressively, Insultingly, Provocatively |
5 | Officially | आधिकारिक रूप से | Formally, Authoritatively, Legally |
6 | Ominously | अशुभ रूप से | Threateningly, Forebodingly, Menacingly |
7 | Openly | खुले तौर पर | Frankly, Candidly, Publicly |
8 | Optimally | आदर्श रूप से | Ideally, Perfectly, Best |
9 | Optimistically | आशावादी रूप से | Hopefully, Positively, Cheerfully |
10 | Optionally | वैकल्पिक रूप से | Voluntarily, Electively, At one's discretion |
11 | Ostentatiously | दिखावटी रूप से | Showily, Flamboyantly, Pretentiously |
12 | Outlandishly | असाधारण रूप से | Bizarrely, Strangely, Unconventionally |
13 | Outright | सरासर | Completely, Totally, Absolutely |
14 | Overtly | प्रकट रूप से | Openly, Publicly, Manifestly |
15 | Overwhelmingly | अभिभूत करने वाले ढंग से | Powerfully, Profoundly, Dominantly |
16 | Obsessively | जुनूनी रूप से | Compulsively, Fanatically, Excessively |
17 | Obstructively | बाधात्मक रूप से | Hinderingly, Impedingly, Blockingly |
18 | Obtusely | मंद बुद्धि से | Dully, Slowly, Stupidly |
19 | Occupationally | व्यावसायिक रूप से | Professionally, Vocationally, Career-wise |
20 | Offhandedly | बिना तैयारी के | Casually, Unthinkingly, Indifferently |
21 | Onerously | भारी रूप से | Burdensomely, Heavily, Laboriously |
22 | Organically | जैविक रूप से | Naturally, Biologically, Ecologically |
23 | Ostensibly | प्रत्यक्ष रूप से | Apparently, Seemingly, Supposedly |
24 | Outrageously | अत्यंत रूप से | Shockingly, Excessively, Scandalously |
25 | Overconfidently | अति आत्मविश्वास से | Arrogantly, Presumptuously, Cockily |
26 | Overzealously | अत्यधिक उत्साह से | Excessively, Fanatically, Fervently |
27 | Overbearingly | दबंग ढंग से | Domineeringly, Authoritatively, Imperiously |
28 | Overly | अधिक | Excessively, Too, Extremely |
29 | Overtly | स्पष्ट रूप से | Clearly, Plainly, Manifestly |
30 | Owlishly | बुद्धिमानी से | Wisely, Sagely, Intelligently |
“O” Verbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Obey | पालन करना | Follow, Comply, Heed |
2 | Object | आपत्ति करना | Protest, Oppose, Disagree |
3 | Obligate | बाध्य करना | Bind, Compel, Require |
4 | Obscure | धुंधला करना | Conceal, Hide, Cloud |
5 | Observe | निरीक्षण करना | Watch, View, Examine |
6 | Obsess | ग्रसित होना | Preoccupy, Haunt, Consume |
7 | Obstruct | अवरुद्ध करना | Block, Hinder, Impede |
8 | Obtain | प्राप्त करना | Acquire, Gain, Secure |
9 | Occur | होना | Happen, Take place, Arise |
10 | Offend | नाराज करना | Insult, Upset, Displease |
11 | Offer | प्रस्तावित करना | Propose, Present, Provide |
12 | Omit | छोड़ देना | Exclude, Leave out, Skip |
13 | Open | खोलना | Uncover, Unlock, Unveil |
14 | Operate | संचालित करना | Run, Function, Work |
15 | Oppose | विरोध करना | Resist, Contest, Challenge |
16 | Opt | चुनना | Choose, Select, Decide |
17 | Optimize | अनुकूलित करना | Enhance, Improve, Perfect |
18 | Order | आदेश देना | Command, Direct, Request |
19 | Organize | व्यवस्थित करना | Arrange, Coordinate, Structure |
20 | Originate | उत्पन्न करना | Create, Initiate, Start |
21 | Outdo | बेहतर करना | Surpass, Exceed, Beat |
22 | Outlast | अधिक समय तक चलना | Survive, Endure, Persist |
23 | Outshine | छा जाना | Eclipse, Surpass, Excel |
24 | Overcome | काबू पाना | Conquer, Defeat, Surmount |
25 | Overlook | अनदेखा करना | Ignore, Disregard, Neglect |
26 | Overpower | मात देना | Subdue, Dominate, Overwhelm |
27 | Oversee | निरीक्षण करना | Supervise, Monitor, Inspect |
28 | Overtake | पीछे छोड़ देना | Surpass, Exceed, Outstrip |
29 | Overthrow | उखाड़ फेंकना | Topple, Dethrone, Overturn |
30 | Owe | कर्जदार होना | Be indebted, Be obligated, Be beholden |