Modifiers in English & Hindi
Modifiers: These are words, phrases, or clauses that provide additional information about other words in a sentence, often describing, qualifying, or altering them. They make sentences more detailed and interesting.
(मॉडिफायर वे words, phrases, या clauses होते हैं जो sentence में अन्य words के बारे में अतिरिक्त जानकारी प्रदान करते हैं, अक्सर उन्हें describing, qualifying, या altering करते हैं। वे वाक्यों को अधिक विस्तृत और रोचक बनाते हैं।)
Types of Modifiers
- Adjectives: Modify nouns or pronouns. (विशेषण: संज्ञा या सर्वनाम को संशोधित करते हैं।)
- The small cat jumped over the fence. (छोटी बिल्ली बाड़ के ऊपर कूद गई।)
- She wore a beautiful dress. (उसने एक सुंदर पोशाक पहनी थी।)
- They live in a big house. (वे एक बड़े घर में रहते हैं।)
- He has a loud voice. (उसकी एक जोरदार आवाज है।)
- The old bridge is still in use. (पुराना पुल अभी भी उपयोग में है।)
- She found a shiny coin. (उसे एक चमकदार सिक्का मिला।)
- They watched a scary movie. (उन्होंने एक डरावनी फिल्म देखी।)
- Adverbs: Modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. (क्रिया-विशेषण: क्रियाओं, विशेषणों, या अन्य क्रिया-विशेषणों को संशोधित करते हैं।)
- He ran quickly to catch the bus. (उसने बस पकड़ने के लिए जल्दी दौड़ा।)
- She speaks softly. (वह धीरे से बोलती है।)
- They arrived very late. (वे बहुत देर से पहुंचे।)
- The story ended suddenly. (कहानी अचानक समाप्त हो गई।)
- He always eats breakfast. (वह हमेशा नाश्ता करता है।)
- She laughed happily. (वह खुशी से हँसी।)
- The dog barked loudly. (कुत्ते ने जोर से भौंका।)
Functions of Modifiers
- Descriptive: Add detail or description. (वर्णनात्मक: विस्तार या वर्णन जोड़ते हैं।)
- The gleaming stars filled the night sky. (चमकते तारे रात के आकाश को भर देते हैं।)
- A fragrant aroma filled the kitchen. (रसोई को एक सुगंधित खुशबू से भर दिया।)
- The chilly wind made her shiver. (ठंडी हवा ने उसे कंपकंपी दी।)
- He wore a grim expression. (उसने एक कठोर भाव धारण किया।)
- The sparkling water looked refreshing. (चमकता पानी ताज़ा लग रहा था।)
- She has a melodious voice. (उसकी एक मधुर आवाज है।)
- The sunny day was perfect for a picnic. (धूप वाला दिन पिकनिक के लिए उत्तम था।)
- Quantitative: Indicate quantity or degree. (मात्रात्मक: मात्रा या डिग्री दर्शाते हैं।)
- He ate several cookies. (उसने कई कुकीज़ खाई।)
- She spent many hours studying. (उसने पढ़ाई में कई घंटे बिताए।)
- Only a few guests arrived. (केवल कुछ मेहमान आए।)
- They have countless books. (उनके पास असंख्य पुस्तकें हैं।)
- She drank two glasses of water. (उसने दो गिलास पानी पिया।)
- He lost all his money. (उसने अपना सारा पैसा खो दिया।)
- I need more time to finish. (मुझे खत्म करने के लिए और समय चाहिए।)
- Demonstrative: Point out specific items. (संकेतात्मक: विशिष्ट वस्तुओं को इंगित करते हैं।)
- This book is fascinating. (यह पुस्तक आकर्षक है।)
- That idea seems impractical. (वह विचार अव्यावहारिक लगता है।)
- These apples are fresh. (ये सेब ताज़े हैं।)
- Those children are playing. (वे बच्चे खेल रहे हैं।)
- This morning was chilly. (आज सुबह ठंडी थी।)
- That night was memorable. (वह रात यादगार थी।)
- These shoes fit perfectly. (ये जूते बिल्कुल फिट बैठते हैं।)
Placement in a Sentence
- Before the word they modify: This is the most common placement for adjectives. (वे शब्द से पहले: यह विशेषणों के लिए सबसे सामान्य स्थान है।)
- The happy puppy wagged its tail. (खुश पिल्ला ने अपनी पूंछ हिलाई।)
- A large crowd gathered. (एक बड़ी भीड़ जमा हुई।)
- The red apple looks delicious. (लाल सेब स्वादिष्ट लग रहा है।)
- She has long hair. (उसके लंबे बाल हैं।)
- A mysterious sound was heard. (एक रहस्यमय ध्वनि सुनाई दी।)
- The old mansion stood silently. (पुराना महल चुपचाप खड़ा था।)
- He found a shiny object on the ground. (उसे जमीन पर एक चमकदार वस्तु मिली।)
- After the word they modify: Often seen with adverbs. (वे शब्द के बाद: अक्सर क्रिया-विशेषणों के साथ देखा जाता है।)
- The team played well. (टीम ने अच्छा खेला।)
- He works efficiently. (वह कुशलतापूर्वक काम करता है।)
- She spoke softly. (उसने धीरे से बोला।)
- The bird flew high in the sky. (पक्षी आकाश में ऊंचा उड़ा।)
- The flowers bloomed beautifully. (फूल सुंदरतापूर्वक खिले।)
- They laughed heartily. (वे दिल से हँसे।)
- The dog barked loudly at the stranger. (कुत्ते ने अजनबी पर जोर से भौंका।)
Common Issues
- Misplaced Modifiers: Modifier is too far from the word it modifies, causing confusion. (गलत स्थान पर रखे गए मॉडिफायर: मॉडिफायर उस शब्द से बहुत दूर है जिसे वह संशोधित करता है, जिससे भ्रम होता है।)
Original: She almost watched all the movies available on Netflix.
Correction: She watched almost all the movies available on Netflix.
Original: He served sandwiches to the children on paper plates.
Correction: He served sandwiches on paper plates to the children.
Original: The young girl was walking the dog in a pink sweater.
Correction: The young girl in a pink sweater was walking the dog.
Original: They bought a kitten for my brother they call Shadow.
Correction: They bought a kitten they call Shadow for my brother.
Original: She found a gold man’s watch.
Correction: She found a man’s gold watch.
Original: Running quickly improves your health.
Correction: Quickly running improves your health.
Original: He nearly drove his kids to school every day.
Correction: He drove his kids to school nearly every day.
- Dangling Modifiers: The word the modifier is supposed to modify is missing from the sentence. (लटकते मॉडिफायर: मॉडिफायर द्वारा संशोधित किए जाने वाले शब्द वाक्य से गायब हैं।)
Original: After being thrown in the air, the dog caught the Frisbee.
Correction: After being thrown in the air, the Frisbee was caught by the dog.
Original: While running towards the train, the ticket fell out of her pocket.
Correction: While she was running towards the train, the ticket fell out of her pocket.
Original: Having finished the assignment, the TV was turned on.
Correction: Having finished the assignment, he turned on the TV.
Original: To win the race, the car needs to be fully tuned.
Correction: To win the race, the driver needs to ensure the car is fully tuned.
Original: Without knowing his name, it was difficult to introduce him.
Correction: Without knowing his name, I found it difficult to introduce him.
Original: After reading the novel, the movie seems less interesting.
Correction: After reading the novel, I find the movie less interesting.
Original: Walking through the park, the flowers looked beautiful.
Correction: Walking through the park, she thought the flowers looked beautiful.