"M" Synonyms in English and Hindi
Table of Contents
“M” Nouns
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Magic | जादू | Sorcery, Wizardry, Enchantment |
2 | Miracle | चमत्कार | Wonder, Marvel, Phenomenon |
3 | Mystery | रहस्य | Enigma, Puzzle, Secret |
4 | Moment | क्षण | Instant, Minute, Second |
5 | Memory | स्मृति | Recollection, Remembrance, Recall |
6 | Music | संगीत | Melody, Harmony, Tune |
7 | Majesty | प्रभुत्व | Grandeur, Dignity, Splendor |
8 | Mission | मिशन | Quest, Assignment, Undertaking |
9 | Mountain | पर्वत | Peak, Summit, Ridge |
10 | Meadow | घास का मैदान | Field, Pasture, Prairie |
11 | Machine | मशीन | Device, Apparatus, Mechanism |
12 | Map | नक्शा | Chart, Diagram, Plan |
13 | Market | बाजार | Marketplace, Mart, Exchange |
14 | Medicine | दवाई | Medication, Drug, Remedy |
15 | Message | संदेश | Communication, Note, Bulletin |
16 | Month | महीना | Period, Moon, Thirty days |
17 | Moon | चंद्रमा | Satellite, Luna, Orb |
18 | Motive | उद्देश्य | Reason, Cause, Purpose |
19 | Movement | गति | Motion, Activity, Progress |
20 | Mirth | प्रसन्नता | Merriment, Joy, Jollity |
21 | Myth | मिथक | Legend, Folklore, Fable |
22 | Masterpiece | कृति | Magnum opus, Work of art, Classic |
23 | Melody | धुन | Tune, Song, Air |
24 | Mentor | गुरु | Guide, Advisor, Teacher |
25 | Mercy | दया | Compassion, Leniency, Pity |
26 | Mirage | मृगतृष्णा | Illusion, Hallucination, Apparition |
27 | Mosaic | मोज़ेक | Montage, Patchwork, Collage |
28 | Motivation | प्रेरणा | Incentive, Drive, Stimulus |
29 | Monarchy | राजशाही | Kingdom, Empire, Reign |
30 | Memento | स्मृति चिन्ह | Souvenir, Keepsake, Token |
31 | Momentum | गति | Impetus, Drive, Force |
32 | Mirth | हंसी | Laughter, Glee, Amusement |
33 | Mirage | भ्रम | Optical illusion, Phantasm, Vision |
34 | Mythology | पौराणिक कथा | Legends, Folk stories, Lore |
35 | Mankind | मानव जाति | Humanity, Humankind, People |
36 | Manuscript | पांडुलिपि | Script, Text, Handwriting |
37 | Marvel | आश्चर्य | Wonder, Phenomenon, Miracle |
38 | Masquerade | छद्म वेश | Charade, Disguise, Pretense |
39 | Matrimony | विवाह | Marriage, Wedlock, Union |
40 | Maturity | परिपक्वता | Ripeness, Fullness, Adulthood |
41 | Meadow | चारागाह | Grassland, Lea, Pasture |
42 | Meditation | ध्यान | Contemplation, Reflection, Pondering |
43 | Melancholy | उदासी | Sadness, Sorrow, Gloom |
44 | Memoir | आत्मकथा | Autobiography, Biography, Narrative |
45 | Menace | खतरा | Threat, Danger, Peril |
46 | Merit | योग्यता | Worth, Excellence, Value |
47 | Metaphor | रूपक | Figure of speech, Analogy, Simile |
48 | Metropolis | महानगर | City, Capital, Urban center |
49 | Microcosm | सूक्ष्म जगत | Miniature, Small world, Embodiment |
50 | Milestone | मील का पत्थर | Landmark, Marker, Benchmark |
51 | Minutiae | विवरण | Details, Trifles, Particulars |
52 | Mirage | धोखा | Illusion, Fantasy, Deception |
53 | Mirth | आनंद | Happiness, Gleefulness, Cheer |
54 | Misconception | गलतफहमी | Misunderstanding, Fallacy, Error |
55 | Mischief | शरारत | Prank, Trickery, Naughtiness |
56 | Misery | दुख | Suffering, Wretchedness, Distress |
57 | Mission | उद्देश्य | Goal, Objective, Purpose |
58 | Mist | कोहरा | Fog, Haze, Vapor |
59 | Momentum | प्रेरक शक्ति | Energy, Force, Power |
60 | Monologue | एकालाप | Soliloquy, Speech, Discourse |
61 | Monument | स्मारक | Memorial, Statue, Landmark |
62 | Morale | मनोबल | Spirit, Confidence, Enthusiasm |
63 | Mosaic | टुकड़े | Array, Assemblage, Compilation |
64 | Motif | विषय | Theme, Subject, Element |
65 | Motivation | उत्साह | Encouragement, Inspiration, Drive |
66 | Muddle | गड़बड़ | Confusion, Disorder, Chaos |
67 | Mural | भित्ति चित्र | Wall painting, Fresco, Art |
68 | Murmur | गुनगुनाहट | Whisper, Mutter, Mumble |
69 | Muse | प्रेरणा | Inspiration, Genius, Creative influence |
70 | Music | स्वर | Melodies, Tunes, Songs |
71 | Mutation | उत्परिवर्तन | Change, Alteration, Variation |
72 | Mystery | अज्ञात | Puzzle, Riddle, Enigma |
73 | Myth | कथा | Tale, Story, Legend |
74 | Machination | कपट | Plot, Scheme, Conspiracy |
75 | Magnitude | महत्व | Extent, Size, Importance |
76 | Malady | रोग | Illness, Disease, Ailment |
77 | Malediction | शाप | Curse, Hex, Anathema |
78 | Malice | द्वेष | Hatred, Spite, Ill will |
79 | Mandate | आदेश | Command, Order, Directive |
80 | Manifesto | घोषणापत्र | Declaration, Proclamation, Announcement |
81 | Mannerism | ढंग | Habit, Style, Peculiarity |
82 | Marathon | मैराथन | Long race, Endurance test, Contest |
83 | Marginalia | हाशिये की टिप्पणी | Annotations, Notes, Comments |
84 | Maritime | समुद्री | Naval, Marine, Nautical |
85 | Marksmanship | निशानेबाजी | Shooting skill, Aim, Accuracy |
86 | Marmalade | मुरब्बा | Preserve, Jam, Jelly |
87 | Masquerade | नकाबपोशी | Disguise, Mask, Pretense |
88 | Mastodon | विशालकाय प्राणी | Behemoth, Giant, Leviathan |
89 | Maternity | मातृत्व | Motherhood, Parenthood, Pregnancy |
90 | Matriarchy | मातृसत्ता | Female rule, Women's governance |
91 | Matriculation | प्रवेश | Enrollment, Admission, Registration |
92 | Maturity | वयस्कता | Adulthood, Growth, Development |
93 | Maximalism | अधिकतमवाद | Excess, Overabundance, Surplus |
94 | Meadow | घास का मैदान | Grassland, Pasture, Field |
95 | Meander | इधर-उधर घूमना | Wander, Roam, Ramble |
96 | Mechanism | तंत्र | System, Process, Method |
97 | Mediation | मध्यस्थता | Intervention, Arbitration, Negotiation |
98 | Megalopolis | विशाल नगर | Super city, Metropolis, Giant city |
99 | Melancholia | उदासी | Depression, Sadness, Gloom |
100 | Melody | संगीत | Tune, Song, Harmony |
“M” Adjectives
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Magnificent | भव्य | Splendid, Grand, Majestic |
2 | Mysterious | रहस्यमय | Enigmatic, Cryptic, Obscure |
3 | Melodic | मधुर | Harmonious, Musical, Tuneful |
4 | Meticulous | सावधान | Careful, Precise, Thorough |
5 | Meek | विनम्र | Submissive, Mild, Humble |
6 | Merciful | दयालु | Compassionate, Lenient, Forgiving |
7 | Merry | प्रसन्न | Joyful, Cheerful, Jolly |
8 | Malleable | आघातवर्ध्यनीय | Pliable, Flexible, Adaptable |
9 | Masculine | पुरुषोचित | Manly, Virile, Male |
10 | Massive | विशाल | Huge, Enormous, Gigantic |
11 | Masterful | कुशल | Skilled, Expert, Proficient |
12 | Materialistic | भौतिकवादी | Greedy, Acquisitive, Worldly |
13 | Maternal | मातृत्वपूर्ण | Motherly, Nurturing, Protective |
14 | Melancholic | उदास | Sad, Depressed, Gloomy |
15 | Menacing | धमकाने वाला | Threatening, Intimidating, Ominous |
16 | Mercantile | वाणिज्यिक | Commercial, Trade-related, Businesslike |
17 | Mercurial | अस्थिर | Changeable, Volatile, Unpredictable |
18 | Methodical | व्यवस्थित | Systematic, Organized, Orderly |
19 | Meticulous | सूक्ष्म | Detailed, Precise, Exact |
20 | Metropolitan | महानगरीय | Urban, City-based, Cosmopolitan |
21 | Microscopic | सूक्ष्म | Tiny, Minute, Infinitesimal |
22 | Militant | योद्धा | Aggressive, Combative, Belligerent |
23 | Minimalist | न्यूनतावादी | Simplistic, Sparse, Basic |
24 | Miraculous | चमत्कारिक | Extraordinary, Supernatural, Amazing |
25 | Mirthful | हंसमुख | Merry, Joyous, Cheerful |
26 | Mischievous | शरारती | Naughty, Playful, Wicked |
27 | Miserly | कंजूस | Stingy, Tightfisted, Penny-pinching |
28 | Mobile | चल | Movable, Portable, Agile |
29 | Modest | विनम्र | Humble, Unassuming, Reserved |
30 | Monotonous | एकरस | Tedious, Repetitive, Boring |
31 | Moody | चिड़चिड़ा | Temperamental, Sullen, Emotional |
32 | Moral | नैतिक | Ethical, Righteous, Principled |
33 | Mortal | नश्वर | Finite, Human, Perishable |
34 | Motivated | प्रेरित | Driven, Inspired, Ambitious |
35 | Muddy | कीचड़ युक्त | Murky, Cloudy, Dirty |
36 | Multifaceted | बहुमुखी | Versatile, Complex, Diverse |
37 | Mundane | सांसारिक | Ordinary, Commonplace, Routine |
38 | Musical | संगीतमय | Melodious, Harmonic, Rhythmic |
39 | Mutable | परिवर्तनशील | Changeable, Variable, Alterable |
40 | Mutual | पारस्परिक | Reciprocal, Shared, Joint |
41 | Myriad | अनेक | Countless, Innumerable, Numerous |
42 | Mystical | अलौकिक | Spiritual, Esoteric, Magical |
43 | Mythical | पौराणिक | Legendary, Fabled, Fictional |
44 | Macabre | भयानक | Gruesome, Ghastly, Grim |
45 | Machiavellian | कपटी | Cunning, Scheming, Devious |
46 | Magisterial | आधिकारिक | Authoritative, Commanding, Dominant |
47 | Magnanimous | उदार | Generous, Noble, Benevolent |
48 | Malevolent | दुर्भावनापूर्ण | Malicious, Wicked, Evil |
49 | Malicious | दुर्भावनाग्रस्त | Spiteful, Nasty, Maleficent |
50 | Malleable | नम्य | Pliable, Flexible, Adaptable |
51 | Manic | उन्मादी | Frenzied, Hyper, Wild |
52 | Manifold | अनेक | Multiple, Varied, Diverse |
53 | Marital | वैवाहिक | Conjugal, Matrimonial, Nuptial |
54 | Marked | स्पष्ट | Noticeable, Pronounced, Distinct |
55 | Martial | युद्ध संबंधी | Warlike, Military, Combative |
56 | Masquerading | छद्म | Pretending, Disguising, Posing |
57 | Material | भौतिक | Physical, Tangible, Concrete |
58 | Maternal | मातृत्व | Motherly, Matronly, Protective |
59 | Matriarchal | मातृसत्तात्मक | Female-led, Maternal, Woman-centered |
60 | Maverick | विद्रोही | Nonconformist, Rebel, Independent |
61 | Meandering | घुमावदार | Winding, Rambling, Serpentine |
62 | Mechanical | यांत्रिक | Automated, Robotic, Machine-like |
63 | Meddlesome | हस्तक्षेपकारी | Intrusive, Nosy, Interfering |
64 | Mediative | ध्यानात्मक | Contemplative, Reflective, Pensive |
65 | Melancholy | उदास | Gloomy, Somber, Dismal |
66 | Mellifluous | मधुर | Sweet-sounding, Harmonious, Melodic |
67 | Menacing | खतरनाक | Threatening, Ominous, Sinister |
68 | Mendacious | झूठा | Dishonest, Deceitful, Untruthful |
69 | Mercurial | चंचल | Capricious, Volatile, Unpredictable |
70 | Meritorious | गुणगान योग्य | Praiseworthy, Deserving, Laudable |
71 | Merry | खुश | Happy, Joyful, Cheery |
72 | Mesmeric | सम्मोहक | Hypnotic, Enchanting, Captivating |
73 | Metaphysical | अध्यात्मिक | Supernatural, Abstract, Philosophical |
74 | Meteoric | उल्कापिंड संबंधी | Swift, Rapid, Sudden |
75 | Methodical | पद्धतिबद्ध | Systematic, Organized, Orderly |
“M” Adverbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Magnificently | भव्यतापूर्वक | Splendidly, Grandly, Majestically |
2 | Mysteriously | रहस्यमयी ढंग से | Cryptically, Obscurely, Enigmatically |
3 | Melodiously | मधुरतापूर्वक | Harmoniously, Musically, Tunefully |
4 | Meticulously | सूक्ष्मतापूर्वक | Carefully, Precisely, Thoroughly |
5 | Meekly | विनम्रतापूर्वक | Submissively, Mildly, Humbly |
6 | Mercifully | दयापूर्वक | Compassionately, Leniently, Forgivingly |
7 | Merrily | खुशी से | Joyfully, Cheerfully, Jovially |
8 | Malleably | लचीलेपन से | Pliably, Flexibly, Adaptably |
9 | Massively | विशाल रूप से | Enormously, Gigantically, Hugely |
10 | Masterfully | कुशलतापूर्वक | Skilfully, Expertly, Proficiently |
11 | Materialistically | भौतिकवादी ढंग से | Greedily, Acquisitively, Worldly |
12 | Maternally | मातृत्वपूर्ण ढंग से | Motherly, Nurturingly, Protectively |
13 | Melancholically | उदासी से | Sadly, Depressingly, Gloomily |
14 | Menacingly | धमकी भरे ढंग से | Threateningly, Intimidatingly, Ominously |
15 | Methodically | व्यवस्थित रूप से | Systematically, Organizedly, Orderly |
16 | Meticulously | सावधानीपूर्वक | Carefully, Precisely, Exactly |
17 | Mischievously | शरारत से | Naughtily, Playfully, Wickedly |
18 | Miserly | कंजूसी से | Stingily, Tightfistedly, Penny-pinching |
19 | Moderately | मध्यम रूप से | Reasonably, Temperately, Fairly |
20 | Modestly | विनम्रता से | Humbly, Unassumingly, Reservedly |
21 | Monotonously | एकरसतापूर्वक | Tediously, Repetitively, Boringly |
22 | Morally | नैतिक रूप से | Ethically, Righteously, Principledly |
23 | Mortally | नश्वर रूप से | Fatally, Perishably, Humanly |
24 | Mostly | ज्यादातर | Largely, Mainly, Predominantly |
25 | Mournfully | शोकपूर्वक | Sadly, Sorrowfully, Woefully |
26 | Mysteriously | अज्ञेयतापूर्वक | Enigmatically, Secretively, Obscurely |
27 | Magically | जादुई ढंग से | Enchantingly, Bewitchingly, Supernaturally |
28 | Majestically | शानदार ढंग से | Grandly, Regally, Nobly |
29 | Maliciously | दुर्भावनापूर्वक | Spitefully, Nastily, Malevolently |
30 | Manageably | संभालने योग्य ढंग से | Easily, Conveniently, Practically |
“M” Verbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Make | बनाना | Create, Construct, Fabricate |
2 | Manage | प्रबंधन करना | Administer, Supervise, Operate |
3 | Manipulate | हेरफेर करना | Control, Influence, Alter |
4 | Marvel | चकित होना | Wonder, Amaze, Astonish |
5 | Match | मिलान करना | Pair, Align, Correspond |
6 | Measure | मापना | Gauge, Quantify, Evaluate |
7 | Mediate | मध्यस्थता करना | Arbitrate, Intercede, Negotiate |
8 | Melt | पिघलना | Dissolve, Thaw, Liquefy |
9 | Mend | मरम्मत करना | Repair, Fix, Restore |
10 | Mention | उल्लेख करना | Cite, Refer, Note |
11 | Merge | विलीन करना | Combine, Unite, Blend |
12 | Mesmerize | सम्मोहित करना | Hypnotize, Fascinate, Enthrall |
13 | Mimic | अनुकरण करना | Imitate, Copy, Emulate |
14 | Mine | खनन करना | Extract, Excavate, Dig |
15 | Mislead | गुमराह करना | Deceive, Delude, Fool |
16 | Miss | याद करना | Overlook, Fail to hit, Long for |
17 | Mistake | गलती करना | Err, Misinterpret, Misunderstand |
18 | Mix | मिश्रण करना | Blend, Combine, Intermix |
19 | Mobilize | संगठित करना | Assemble, Marshal, Rally |
20 | Mock | उपहास करना | Ridicule, Mimic, Deride |
21 | Modify | संशोधित करना | Alter, Change, Adjust |
22 | Monitor | निगरानी करना | Observe, Supervise, Watch |
23 | Motivate | प्रेरित करना | Inspire, Encourage, Stimulate |
24 | Mount | चढ़ाई करना | Ascend, Climb, Rise |
25 | Move | चलना | Relocate, Shift, Proceed |
26 | Muffle | दबाना | Dampen, Suppress, Mute |
27 | Multiply | गुणा करना | Increase, Expand, Amplify |
28 | Murmur | गुनगुनाना | Mutter, Whisper, Mumble |
29 | Muse | विचार करना | Ponder, Contemplate, Reflect |
30 | Muster | एकत्र करना | Gather, Assemble, Collect |