Graphy Vocabulary List – Advanced Vocabulary - ...

Graphy Vocabulary List

S.N.English WordHindi PronunciationHindi TranslationDefinition
1Acoustographyएकोस्टोग्राफीध्वनि छविकरणAn imaging process that employs a sensor to convert ultrasound into an image in near real-time, analogous to an X-ray
2Acrographyएक्रोग्राफीउच्चारण कलाA method of relief etching on wood, metal, or stone by means of a coating of compressed chalk
3Angiographyएंजीओग्राफीरक्तवाहिनी चित्रालयRoentgenographic examination of blood vessels after injection of a radiopaque contrast medium; produces an angiogram
4Arteriographyआर्टेरिओग्राफीधमनियों की चित्रलेखनRoentgenographic examination of arteries
5Autobiographyऑटोबायोग्राफीआत्मकथाA biography of yourself
6Autographyऑटोग्राफीस्वयं के हस्ताक्षरWriting done with one's own hand
7Autoradiographyआटोरेडिओग्राफीऑटोरेडियो छविकरणProducing a radiograph by means of the radiation emitted from the specimen being photographed
8Bibliographyबाइब्लियोग्राफीपुस्तक सूचीA list of writings with time and place of publication (such as the writings of a single author or the works referred to in preparing a document etc.)
9Biogeographyबायोज्योग्राफीजैव भूगोलDealing with the geographical distribution of animals and plants
10Biographyबायोग्राफीजीवन चरित्रAn account of the series of events making up a person's life
11Cacographyकैकोग्राफीबुरी हस्ताक्षरPoor handwriting
12Calligraphyकैलिग्राफीसुंदर हस्ताक्षरBeautiful handwriting
13Cardiographyकार्डिओग्राफीहृदय रेखाचित्रणDiagnostic procedure consisting of recording the activity of the heart electronically with a cardiograph (and producing a cardiogram)
14Cartographyकार्टोग्राफीमानचित्र निर्माणThe making of maps and charts
15Chirographyकैरोग्राफीसुंदर हस्ताक्षरBeautiful handwriting
16Cholangiographyकोलांगियोग्राफीपित्ताशय रेखाचित्रणRoentgenographic examination of the bile ducts after a contrast medium has been injected
17Choreographyकोरियोग्राफीनृत्य-रचनाA notation used by choreographers
18Chorographyकोरोग्राफीक्षेत्र-वर्णनThe systematic description and mapping of particular regions
19Chromatographyक्रोमैटोग्राफीरंग अलगावA process used for separating mixtures by virtue of differences in absorbency
20Cinematographyसिनेमैटोग्राफीफिल्म निर्माणThe act of making a film
21Cosmographyकॉस्मोग्राफीब्रह्माण्ड वर्णनA representation of the earth or the heavens
22Cryptographyक्रिप्टोग्राफीसांकेतिक लेखनAct of writing in code or cipher
23Crystallographyक्रिस्टलोग्राफीक्रिस्टल की निर्माण और संरचना का शाखाThe branch of science that studies the formation and structure of crystals
24Demographyडेमोग्राफीजनसंख्या विज्ञानThe branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human populations
25Encephalographyएन्सेफलोग्राफीमस्तिष्क छविकरणRoentgenography of the brain after spinal fluid has been replaced by a gas (usually oxygen); produces an encephalogram
26Epigraphyएपिग्राफीप्राचीन शिलालेखों का अध्ययनThe study of ancient inscriptions
27Ethnographyएथनोग्राफीजाति-विज्ञानThe branch of anthropology that provides scientific description of individual human societies
28Geographyज्योग्राफीभूगोलStudy of the earth's surface; includes people's responses to topography and climate and soil and vegetation
29Hagiographyहैगिओग्राफीसंतों की जीवन चरित्रA biography that idealizes or idolizes the person (especially a person who is a saint)
30Historiographyहिस्टोरिओग्राफीइतिहास लेखनThe writing of history
31Holographyहोलोग्राफीप्रतिमात्र की शाखाThe branch of optics that deals with the use of coherent light from a laser in order to make a hologram that can then be used to create a three-dimensional image
32Hydrographyहायड्रोग्राफीजलरास्त्रीयThe science of the measurement and description and mapping of the surface waters of the earth with special reference to navigation
33Iconographyआइकोनोग्राफीप्रतिमा-विज्ञानThe images and symbolic representations that are traditionally associated with a person or a subject
34Ideographyआइडिओग्राफीचित्रलेखनThe use of ideograms in writing
35Lexicographyलेक्सिकोग्राफीशब्दकोश निर्माणThe act of writing dictionaries
36Lithographyलिथोग्राफीलिथोग्राफीThe act of making a lithographic print
37Lymphographyलिम्फोग्राफीलसीका छविकरणRoentgenographic examination of lymph nodes and lymph vessels after injection of a radiopaque contrast medium; produces a lymphangiogram
38Mammographyमैमोग्राफीस्तनछविकरणA diagnostic procedure to detect breast tumors by the use of X rays
39Oceanographyओशियानोग्राफीसमुद्र विज्ञानThe branch of science dealing with physical and biological aspects of the oceans
40Orographyओरोग्राफीपर्वत विज्ञानThe science of mountains
41Orthographyऑर्थोग्राफीवर्णनिकाA method of representing the sounds of a language by written or printed symbols
42Paleogeographyपेलियोग्राफीप्राचीन भूगोलThe study of the geography of ancient times or ancient epochs
43Paleographyपेलिओग्राफीपुरातात्विक लिखाई का अध्ययनThe study of ancient forms of writing (and the deciphering of them)
44Photographyफोटोग्राफीफोटोग्राफीThe occupation of taking and printing photographs or making movies
45Physiographyफिजिओग्राफीभौतिकीग्राफीThe study of physical features of the earth's surface
46Planographyप्लेनोग्राफीचित्रन विज्ञानThe process of printing from a surface on which the printing areas are not raised but are ink receptive (as opposed to ink repellent)
47Polarographyपोलारोग्राफीध्रुवीयरूप लेखनAn electrochemical method of chemical analysis
48Pornographyपोर्नोग्राफीअश्लील चित्रणCreative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire
49Radiographyरेडियोग्राफीकिरणों का छविकरणPhotography that uses other kinds of radiation than visible light
50Radiotelegraphyरेडियोटेलीग्राफीदूरसंचारThe use of radio to send telegraphic messages (usually by Morse code)
51Roentgenographyरोएंटजेनोग्राफीरशियों का छविकरणRadiography that uses X rays to produce a roentgenogram
52Seismographyसिस्मोग्राफीभूकंप अध्ययनThe measurement of tremors and shocks and undulatory movements of earthquakes
53Serigraphyसेरीग्राफीछपाई विज्ञानThe act of making a print by the silkscreen method
54Sonographyसोनोग्राफीउच्च तड़ीपार ध्वनि का उपयोग करते हुए छविकरणUsing the reflections of high-frequency sound waves to construct an image of a body organ (a sonogram); commonly used to observe fetal growth or study bodily organs
55Stenographyस्टेनोग्राफीलघुलेखनThe act or art of writing in shorthand
56Stratigraphyस्ट्रेटिग्राफीस्त्रातीय विज्ञानThe branch of geology that studies the arrangement and succession of strata
57Telegraphyटेलीग्राफीटेलीग्राफCommunicating at a distance by electric transmission over wire
58Telephotographyटेलीफोटोग्राफीटेलीफोटोग्राफीPhotography using a telephoto lens
59Thermographyथर्मोग्राफीताप-छविकरणDiagnostic technique using a thermograph to record the heat produced by different parts of the body; used to study blood flow and to detect tumors
60Tomographyटोमोग्राफीटोमोग्राफी(Medicine) Obtaining pictures of the interior of the body
61Topographyटोपोग्राफीभूविज्ञानThe configuration of a surface and the relations among its man-made and natural features
62Typographyटायपोग्राफीप्रकाशकीय लेखनThe craft of composing type and printing from it
63Ultrasonographyअल्ट्रासोनोग्राफीअत्यधिक तड़ीपार ध्वनि का उपयोग करते हुए छविकरणUsing the reflections of high-frequency sound waves to construct an image of a body organ (a sonogram); commonly used to observe fetal growth or study bodily organs
64Venographyवेनोग्राफीशिराःसंबंधी छविकरणRoentgenographic examination of veins
65Xerographyज़ेरोग्राफीज़ेरोग्राफीForming an image by the action of light on a specially coated charged plate; the latent image is developed with powders that adhere only to electrically charged areas
66Xeroradiographyज़ेरोरेडियोग्राफीज़ेरोरेडियोग्राफीRadiography using X rays and xerographic (rather than roentgenographic) techniques
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