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English Fundamental Topics

01 Alphabet (वर्णमाला) A-Z in English and Hindi
01 Alphabet (वर्णमाला) A-Z in English and Hindi
Table Generator Serial Number बड़े अक्षर (Capital Letters) छोटे अक्षर (Small Letters) उच्चारण गुणात्मक...
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02 Barahkhadi Hindi to English (बारहखड़ी) अ-ज्ञ तक बारहखड़ी हिंदी और इंग्लिश में
02 Barahkhadi Hindi to English (बारहखड़ी) अ-ज्ञ तक बारहखड़ी हिंदी और इंग्लिश में
Table Generator Barah Khadi...
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04 Introduction in English and Hindi
04 Introduction in English and Hindi
When should we use Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening, and Good night? (हमें सुप्रभात, शुभ दोपहर,...
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06 Name of Days in English and Hindi (दिनों के नाम)
06 Name of Days in English and Hindi (दिनों के नाम)
    No. English Word🔊 Hindi Pronunciation Hindi Translation 1 Sunday संडे रविवार 2 Monday मंडे सोमवार 3 Tuesday ट्यूजडे मंगलवार 4 Wednesday वेंसड़े बुधवार 5 Thursday थर्सडे गुरुवार 6 Friday फ्राइडे शुक्रवार 7 Saturday सैटरडे शनिवार  
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07 Months Name in English and Hindi (महीनों के नाम)
07 Months Name in English and Hindi (महीनों के नाम)
Table Generator No. English Word🔊 Hindi Pronunciation Hindi Translation 1 January जैन्युअरी जनवरी 2 February फैब्रुअरी फ़रवरी 3 March मार्च मार्च 4 April एप्रिल अप्रैल 5 May मे मई 6 June जून जून 7 July जुलाई जुलाई 8 August ऑगस्ट अगस्त 9 September सेप्टेम्बर सितंबर 10 October ओक्टोबर अक्टूबर 11 November नोवेम्बर नवंबर 12 December डिसेम्बर दिसंबर
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Greetings and Introductions (अभिवादन एवं परिचय) in English
Greetings and Introductions (अभिवादन एवं परिचय) in English
Greetings and Introductions (अभिवादन एवं परिचय) Greetings and Introductions (अभिवादन एवं परिचय) Understanding...
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Hindi Alphabet (हिंदी वर्णमाला) With English
Hindi Alphabet (हिंदी वर्णमाला) With English
Hindi Alphabet (हिंदी वर्णमाला) With English Hindi Alphabet- Vowel (स्वर) -वे वर्ण, जिनके उच्चारण के...
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Name Making in English अंग्रेजी कैसे लिखें?
Name Making in English अंग्रेजी कैसे लिखें?
Table of Contents अ की मात्रा वाले दो अक्षर वाले शब्द जल (Jal) वह (Vah) घर (Ghar) नल (Nal) बस (Bas) वह...
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Basic English

01 Noun and the Number (Singular and Plural Noun)
01 Noun and the Number (Singular and Plural Noun)
Number (वचन): If a Noun Tells about one or more than one is called Number. A Boy   Only One (Singular) Boys   More...
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02 Articles (A, An and The) in English Grammar with Hindi, How to use a, an, the
02 Articles (A, An and The) in English Grammar with Hindi, How to use a, an, the
Use of Articles (A, An & The) Table of Contents English Alphabet के अन्दर 26 Letters...
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03. Understanding Subject and Predicate in English and Hindi (विषय और विधेय को समझना)
03. Understanding Subject and Predicate in English and Hindi (विषय और विधेय को समझना)
Understanding Subject and Predicate Definition: Subject: The subject of a sentence is the person, place,...
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23. The Influence of Cinema
23. The Influence of Cinema
23. The Influence of Cinema Cinema, as a powerful medium of art and communication, has a profound influence...
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Demonstrative Pronouns (This-यह, That-वह, These-ये & Those-वो)
Demonstrative Pronouns (This-यह, That-वह, These-ये & Those-वो)
Demonstrative Pronouns (संकेतवाचक सर्वनाम) (This-यह, That-वह, These-ये & Those-वो) Noun: –...
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Imperative Sentences in English and Hindi
Imperative Sentences in English and Hindi
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Kinds of Sentences in English
Kinds of Sentences in English
Kinds of Sentences Table of Contents 1) Purpose or Function 1. Assertive & Declarative Sentences...
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Intermediate English

Adjective in English and Hindi || Parts of Speech
Adjective in English and Hindi || Parts of Speech
Adjective in English and Hindi | Parts of Speech Adjective वह शब्द है जो एक वाक्य में प्रयुक्त Noun या...
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Adverb in English and Hindi | Parts of Speech
Adverb in English and Hindi | Parts of Speech
Adverb in English and Hindi An Adverb is a word that modifies/qualifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb. (क्रिया...
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Antonyms in English and Hindi
Antonyms in English and Hindi
Serial Number English (Hindi) Antonyms 1 Abandon (त्यागना) Keep 2 Absent (अनुपस्थित) Present (उपस्थित) 3...
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Causative Verbs (कारणवाचक क्रियाएँ) in English Grammar
Causative Verbs (कारणवाचक क्रियाएँ) in English Grammar
Causative Verbs (कारणवाचक क्रियाएँ) ➥A causative verb indicates that one person causes another person...
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Conjunction (संयोजक) in English and Hindi | Parts of Speech
Conjunction (संयोजक) in English and Hindi | Parts of Speech
Conjunction (संयोजक) in English and Hindi ➥ A Conjunction is a word that joins words, clauses, phrases,...
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Non Finite Verbs
Non Finite Verbs
Verb Finite Verb, Non-Finite Verb, Infinitive, Gerund, Participle Table of Contents 1. Finite...
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Noun in English and Hindi
Noun in English and Hindi
Noun in English and Hindi Definition: A Noun is the name of a person, place, thing, quality, condition,...
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Often Confused Words in English Speaking Course
Often Confused Words in English Speaking Course
Often Confusing Words in English Speaking Course 1) Difference between “Scared” and “Afraid” Scared:...
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Parts of Speech in English & Hindi
Parts of Speech in English & Hindi
Parts of Speech in English and Hindi Noun (संज्ञा) Definition: A Noun is the name of a person, place,...
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Phrasal verbs in English and Hindi
Phrasal verbs in English and Hindi
Phrasal verbs in English Table of Contents Phrasal verbs of ‘A’ 1. Act Up: खराबी दिखाना या अच्छे...
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Preposition in English and Hindi | Parts of Speech
Preposition in English and Hindi | Parts of Speech
Preposition in English and Hindi ⮕ A Preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to show its...
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Pronoun in English and Hindi
Pronoun in English and Hindi
Pronoun in English and Hindi Definition: A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun or a noun phrase to...
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Proverbs in English & Hindi
Proverbs in English & Hindi
Proverbs in English & Hindi 1) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.(निश्चित लाभ अनिश्चित...
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Question Tags in English and Hindi
Question Tags in English and Hindi
Question Tags in English & Hindi Table of Contents Question tags are short questions added...
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Simple Sentences [To Be (होना)] Without Verb Sentences
Simple Sentences [To Be (होना)] Without Verb Sentences
Simple Sentences [To Be (होना)] जिसमें Subject के बारे में बताया जाता है: The verb “to be”...
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Advanced Engalish

Advanced English Sentences
Advanced English Sentences
Advanced English Sentences SN Basic Sentence Advanced Sentence Hindi 1 I’m going to sleep now. I’m...
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Advanced Verb Phrases
Advanced Verb Phrases
Advanced Verb Phrases SN Basic Verb Hindi Advanced Idiom or Phrase Explanation of Idiom/Phrase 1 Ask पूछना Pop...
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Basic to Advanced English Sentences
Basic to Advanced English Sentences
Basic to Advanced English Sentences SN Basic Sentence Advanced Sentence Hindi Translation 1 I’m...
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Clause in English and Hindi with Examples
Clause in English and Hindi with Examples
Clause in English and Hindi ➥Clause- A group of words containing a subject and predicate and forming...
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Conditional Sentences in English & Hindi
Conditional Sentences in English & Hindi
Conditional Sentences in English & Hindi Zero Conditional Sentences Table of Contents Zero...
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Modifiers in English
Modifiers in English
Modifiers in English & Hindi Modifiers: These are words, phrases, or clauses that provide additional...
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