"E" Synonyms in English and Hindi
Table of Contents
“E” Nouns
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Eagle | ईगल | Bird of prey, Raptor, Falcon |
2 | Ear | कान | Hearing organ, Auditory organ |
3 | Earth | पृथ्वी | Planet, World, Globe |
4 | Earthquake | भूकंप | Quake, Tremor, Seism |
5 | Ease | आसानी | Comfort, Simplicity, Effortlessness |
6 | East | पूर्व | Direction, Orient |
7 | Echo | गूँज | Reverberation, Resonance, Sound reflection |
8 | Eclipse | ग्रहण | Occlusion, Obscuration, Dimming |
9 | Economy | अर्थव्यवस्था | Finance, Wealth, Commerce |
10 | Edge | किनारा | Border, Brink, Margin |
11 | Edition | संस्करण | Version, Issue, Release |
12 | Education | शिक्षा | Learning, Teaching, Schooling |
13 | Effect | प्रभाव | Impact, Influence, Result |
14 | Effort | प्रयास | Attempt, Endeavor, Exertion |
15 | Egg | अंडा | Ovum, Embryo, Seed |
16 | Ego | अहं | Self-esteem, Identity, Pride |
17 | Elastic | लोचदार | Stretchy, Flexible, Resilient |
18 | Elbow | कोहनी | Joint, Bend, Angle |
19 | Election | चुनाव | Poll, Vote, Balloting |
20 | Electricity | बिजली | Power, Energy, Current |
21 | Electron | इलेक्ट्रॉन | Particle, Charge, Subatomic particle |
22 | Element | तत्व | Component, Substance, Factor |
23 | Elephant | हाथी | Mammal, Pachyderm |
24 | Elevator | लिफ्ट | Lift, Hoist, Escalator |
25 | Elixir | अमृत | Potion, Cure, Panacea |
26 | Ellipse | अंडाकार | Oval, Orbital shape |
27 | Elm | एल्म | Tree, Hardwood |
28 | ईमेल | Electronic mail, Message, Correspondence | |
29 | Embassy | दूतावास | Consulate, Diplomatic office |
30 | Emblem | प्रतीक | Symbol, Badge, Insignia |
31 | Emergency | आपातकाल | Crisis, Urgency, Exigency |
32 | Emotion | भावना | Feeling, Sentiment, Passion |
33 | Empire | साम्राज्य | Kingdom, Realm, Dominion |
34 | Employment | रोजगार | Job, Work, Occupation |
35 | Enchantment | मोह | Magic, Spell, Allure |
36 | Encyclopedia | विश्वकोश | Reference work, Compendium |
37 | End | अंत | Conclusion, Finish, Termination |
38 | Enemy | दुश्मन | Opponent, Foe, Adversary |
39 | Energy | ऊर्जा | Power, Vitality, Force |
40 | Engagement | सगाई | Commitment, Appointment, Agreement |
41 | Engine | इंजन | Motor, Machine, Mechanism |
42 | Enigma | पहेली | Mystery, Puzzle, Conundrum |
43 | Enjoyment | आनंद | Pleasure, Delight, Satisfaction |
44 | Enlightenment | ज्ञानोदय | Awareness, Understanding, Insight |
45 | Envelope | लिफाफा | Cover, Wrapper, Encasement |
46 | Environment | पर्यावरण | Nature, Surroundings, Habitat |
47 | Envy | ईर्ष्या | Jealousy, Covetousness, Resentment |
48 | Epidemic | महामारी | Outbreak, Plague, Pandemic |
49 | Episode | एपिसोड | Incident, Event, Occurrence |
50 | Equality | समानता | Equity, Fairness, Parity |
51 | Era | युग | Period, Age, Epoch |
52 | Error | त्रुटि | Mistake, Fault, Oversight |
53 | Eruption | विस्फोट | Explosion, Outburst, Blast |
54 | Escape | पलायन | Flight, Getaway, Exodus |
55 | Essay | निबंध | Article, Composition, Paper |
56 | Essence | सार | Core, Heart, Substance |
57 | Estate | संपत्ति | Property, Assets, Holdings |
58 | Estimate | अनुमान | Appraisal, Evaluation, Guess |
59 | Ethics | नैतिकता | Morals, Principles, Values |
60 | Evening | संध्या | Nightfall, Dusk, Twilight |
61 | Event | घटना | Occurrence, Happening, Incident |
62 | Evidence | सबूत | Proof, Testimony, Confirmation |
63 | Evolution | विकास | Development, Progress, Growth |
64 | Exam | परीक्षा | Test, Assessment, Examination |
65 | Example | उदाहरण | Instance, Sample, Illustration |
66 | Excellence | उत्कृष्टता | Superiority, Perfection, Quality |
67 | Exchange | विनिमय | Trade, Swap, Transaction |
68 | Excitement | उत्तेजना | Thrill, Enthusiasm, Fervor |
69 | Exclamation | विस्मयादिबोधक | Outcry, Exclamation, Shout |
70 | Excuse | बहाना | Justification, Reason, Apology |
71 | Exercise | व्यायाम | Workout, Drill, Training |
72 | Exhaustion | थकान | Fatigue, Weariness, Lethargy |
73 | Exhibit | प्रदर्शनी | Display, Show, Presentation |
74 | Exile | निर्वासन | Banishment, Expulsion, Deportation |
75 | Existence | अस्तित्व | Being, Life, Reality |
76 | Exit | निकास | Departure, Egress, Way out |
77 | Expansion | विस्तार | Growth, Enlargement, Extension |
78 | Expedition | अभियान | Journey, Voyage, Adventure |
79 | Expense | खर्च | Cost, Expenditure, Charge |
80 | Experience | अनुभव | Knowledge, Practice, Skill |
81 | Experiment | प्रयोग | Test, Trial, Investigation |
82 | Expert | विशेषज्ञ | Specialist, Professional, Authority |
83 | Explanation | व्याख्या | Clarification, Description, Interpretation |
84 | Explosion | विस्फोट | Blast, Detonation, Eruption |
85 | Export | निर्यात | Shipment, Sending abroad, Trade |
86 | Exposure | अनावरण | Revelation, Disclosure, Uncovering |
87 | Expression | अभिव्यक्ति | Manifestation, Indication, Phrase |
88 | Extension | विस्तार | Expansion, Addition, Lengthening |
89 | Extent | सीमा | Degree, Magnitude, Scope |
90 | Eye | आँख | Organ of sight, Eyeball, Vision |
91 | Eyewitness | साक्षी | Observer, Spectator, Viewer |
92 | Eclipse | ग्रहण | Occultation, Obscuration, Darkening |
93 | Ecosystem | पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र | Environment, Habitat, Ecology |
94 | Edict | फरमान | Decree, Order, Proclamation |
95 | Editorial | संपादकीय | Article, Commentary, Opinion |
96 | Educationist | शिक्षाविद | Educator, Scholar, Pedagogue |
97 | Effigy | पुतला | Image, Statue, Dummy |
98 | Elevation | ऊंचाई | Height, Altitude, Rise |
99 | Elixir | अमृत | Potion, Cure-all, Panacea |
100 | Ellipsis | लुप्तांश | Omission, Gap, Lacuna |
“E” Adjectives
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Early | जल्दी | Premature, Soon, Ahead |
2 | Earnest | गंभीर | Serious, Sincere, Intense |
3 | Easy | आसान | Simple, Effortless, Straightforward |
4 | Eager | उत्सुक | Keen, Enthusiastic, Avid |
5 | Earthly | धरती का | Worldly, Terrestrial, Mundane |
6 | Eccentric | सनकी | Odd, Quirky, Unconventional |
7 | Eclectic | विविध | Diverse, Varied, Wide-ranging |
8 | Economic | आर्थिक | Financial, Fiscal, Monetary |
9 | Edible | खाद्य | Eatable, Consumable, Digestible |
10 | Educated | शिक्षित | Learned, Knowledgeable, Informed |
11 | Effective | प्रभावी | Efficient, Productive, Potent |
12 | Efficient | कुशल | Competent, Capable, Productive |
13 | Elaborate | जटिल | Complex, Detailed, Intricate |
14 | Elastic | लोचदार | Flexible, Stretchable, Resilient |
15 | Elderly | बुजुर्ग | Aged, Senior, Older |
16 | Electric | विद्युतीय | Powered, Electronic, Dynamic |
17 | Elegant | सुरुचिपूर्ण | Graceful, Stylish, Refined |
18 | Elemental | मूलभूत | Basic, Primary, Fundamental |
19 | Eligible | योग्य | Qualified, Suitable, Entitled |
20 | Elusive | पकड़ में न आने वाला | Evasive, Slippery, Fleeting |
21 | Embarrassed | शर्मिंदा | Ashamed, Humiliated, Disconcerted |
22 | Eminent | प्रसिद्ध | Distinguished, Renowned, Notable |
23 | Emotional | भावुक | Passionate, Sensitive, Sentimental |
24 | Empathetic | सहानुभूतिपूर्ण | Compassionate, Understanding, Sympathetic |
25 | Empirical | प्रायोगिक | Experimental, Observational, Practical |
26 | Empty | खाली | Vacant, Void, Unfilled |
27 | Enchanted | मंत्रमुग्ध | Bewitched, Charmed, Fascinated |
28 | Encouraging | उत्साहवर्धक | Supportive, Hopeful, Optimistic |
29 | Endangered | लुप्तप्राय | Threatened, At risk, Vulnerable |
30 | Endearing | मनमोहक | Lovable, Charming, Adorable |
31 | Endless | अनंत | Infinite, Boundless, Limitless |
32 | Energetic | ऊर्जावान | Active, Vigorous, Dynamic |
33 | Enigmatic | रहस्यमय | Mysterious, Cryptic, Puzzling |
34 | Enjoyable | आनंददायक | Pleasant, Delightful, Pleasurable |
35 | Enormous | विशाल | Huge, Immense, Gigantic |
36 | Enlightened | प्रबुद्ध | Informed, Aware, Educated |
37 | Enthusiastic | उत्साही | Eager, Keen, Zealous |
38 | Entire | संपूर्ण | Whole, Complete, Total |
39 | Envious | ईर्ष्यालु | Jealous, Covetous, Resentful |
40 | Environmental | पर्यावरणीय | Ecological, Green, Natural |
41 | Epic | महाकाव्य | Grand, Monumental, Heroic |
42 | Equal | समान | Equivalent, Identical, Alike |
43 | Equitable | न्यायसंगत | Fair, Just, Impartial |
44 | Essential | आवश्यक | Crucial, Necessary, Vital |
45 | Esteemed | सम्मानित | Respected, Honored, Valued |
46 | Eternal | अनन्त | Everlasting, Perpetual, Immortal |
47 | Ethical | नैतिक | Moral, Righteous, Honorable |
48 | Euphoric | उल्लासित | Overjoyed, Ecstatic, Elated |
49 | European | यूरोपीय | From Europe, Western |
50 | Evasive | टालमटोल करने वाला | Elusive, Slippery, Ambiguous |
51 | Even | सम | Equal, Level, Balanced |
52 | Eventful | घटनापूर्ण | Memorable, Significant, Momentous |
53 | Evergreen | सदाबहार | Perennial, Unchanging, Timeless |
54 | Evident | स्पष्ट | Obvious, Apparent, Clear |
55 | Evil | बुराई | Wicked, Malevolent, Sinister |
56 | Exact | सटीक | Precise, Accurate, Specific |
57 | Exalted | उच्च | Elevated, Noble, Lofty |
58 | Excellent | उत्कृष्ट | Superb, Outstanding, Superior |
59 | Excessive | अत्यधिक | Exorbitant, Extreme, Inordinate |
60 | Excited | उत्साहित | Thrilled, Enthusiastic, Aroused |
61 | Exclusive | विशेष | Selective, Unique, Sole |
62 | Exotic | विदेशी | Foreign, Unusual, Tropical |
63 | Expansive | विस्तृत | Extensive, Wide-ranging, Broad |
64 | Expectant | अपेक्षाकृत | Anticipating, Hopeful, Awaiting |
65 | Expensive | महंगा | Costly, High-priced, Lavish |
66 | Experienced | अनुभवी | Skilled, Seasoned, Expert |
67 | Experimental | प्रायोगिक | Trial, Investigative, Exploratory |
68 | Expert | निपुण | Skilled, Professional, Adept |
69 | Explicit | स्पष्ट | Clear, Definite, Unambiguous |
70 | Exquisite | सुरुचिपूर्ण | Beautiful, Elegant, Delicate |
71 | Extensive | व्यापक | Comprehensive, Wide, Vast |
72 | External | बाहरी | Outer, Outside, Exterior |
73 | Extraordinary | असाधारण | Remarkable, Exceptional, Amazing |
74 | Extravagant | फिजूलखर्च | Wasteful, Lavish, Excessive |
75 | Exuberant | उत्साही | Lively, Enthusiastic, Vibrant |
“E” Adverbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Eagerly | उत्सुकता से | Keenly, Enthusiastically, Ardently |
2 | Early | जल्दी | Promptly, Soon, Beforehand |
3 | Easily | आसानी से | Effortlessly, Smoothly, Readily |
4 | Effectively | प्रभावी ढंग से | Efficiently, Productively, Successfully |
5 | Efficiently | कुशलतापूर्वक | Competently, Effectively, Capably |
6 | Elegantly | सुरुचिपूर्ण ढंग से | Gracefully, Stylishly, Tastefully |
7 | Emotionally | भावनात्मक रूप से | Sentimentally, Passionately, Sensitively |
8 | Endlessly | अनंत रूप से | Infinitely, Continuously, Perpetually |
9 | Energetically | ऊर्जावान ढंग से | Vigorously, Actively, Dynamically |
10 | Enormously | विशाल रूप से | Vastly, Greatly, Immensely |
11 | Entirely | पूरी तरह से | Wholly, Completely, Totally |
12 | Equally | समान रूप से | Similarly, Likewise, Evenly |
13 | Especially | विशेष रूप से | Particularly, Specially, Specifically |
14 | Essentially | मूल रूप से | Fundamentally, Basically, Primarily |
15 | Eternally | अनन्त काल तक | Forever, Perpetually, Everlastingly |
16 | Ethically | नैतिक रूप से | Morally, Righteously, Principally |
17 | Eventually | अंततः | Ultimately, Finally, In the end |
18 | Exactly | ठीक ठीक | Precisely, Accurately, Correctly |
19 | Excellently | उत्कृष्ट रूप से | Superbly, Marvelously, Wonderfully |
20 | Exceptionally | असाधारण रूप से | Unusually, Extraordinarily, Remarkably |
21 | Excessively | अत्यधिक | Overly, Too, Extremely |
22 | Excitedly | उत्तेजित रूप से | Enthusiastically, Eagerly, Passionately |
23 | Exclusively | विशेष रूप से | Solely, Only, Purely |
24 | Explicitly | स्पष्ट रूप से | Clearly, Directly, Specifically |
25 | Expressly | स्पष्ट रूप से | Specifically, Specially, Particularly |
26 | Extensively | व्यापक रूप से | Widely, Broadly, Vastly |
27 | Externally | बाहरी रूप से | Outwardly, Outside, Externally |
28 | Extraordinarily | असाधारण रूप से | Remarkably, Unusually, Exceptionally |
29 | Extremely | अत्यंत | Highly, Very, Terribly |
30 | Evidently | स्पष्ट रूप से | Clearly, Obviously, Manifestly |
“E” Verbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Earn | कमाना | Gain, Acquire, Obtain |
2 | Eat | खाना | Consume, Ingest, Devour |
3 | Echo | गूंजना | Resound, Reverberate, Reflect |
4 | Edit | संपादित करना | Revise, Correct, Modify |
5 | Educate | शिक्षित करना | Teach, Instruct, Train |
6 | Eject | निकालना | Expel, Discharge, Throw out |
7 | Elaborate | विस्तार करना | Expand, Explain, Develop |
8 | Elect | चुनना | Choose, Select, Appoint |
9 | Elevate | उठाना | Raise, Lift, Promote |
10 | Eliminate | निकालना | Remove, Erase, Exterminate |
11 | Embark | प्रारंभ करना | Commence, Begin, Start |
12 | Embrace | गले लगाना | Hug, Enclose, Accept |
13 | Emit | उत्सर्जित करना | Release, Discharge, Exude |
14 | Empathize | सहानुभूति रखना | Sympathize, Understand, Relate |
15 | Emphasize | जोर देना | Stress, Highlight, Accentuate |
16 | Employ | रोजगार देना | Hire, Use, Engage |
17 | Empower | सशक्त बनाना | Authorize, Enable, Strengthen |
18 | Empty | खाली करना | Vacate, Clear, Deplete |
19 | Encourage | प्रोत्साहित करना | Motivate, Inspire, Support |
20 | End | समाप्त करना | Conclude, Finish, Terminate |
21 | Endanger | खतरे में डालना | Threaten, Jeopardize, Risk |
22 | Endorse | समर्थन करना | Approve, Support, Back |
23 | Endure | सहना | Tolerate, Sustain, Withstand |
24 | Engage | लगे रहना | Involve, Participate, Commit |
25 | Enhance | बढ़ाना | Improve, Boost, Amplify |
26 | Enjoy | आनंद लेना | Relish, Appreciate, Savor |
27 | Enlarge | बड़ा करना | Expand, Extend, Increase |
28 | Enlighten | ज्ञान देना | Inform, Educate, Illuminate |
29 | Enlist | भर्ती करना | Recruit, Join, Engage |
30 | Enrich | समृद्ध करना | Enhance, Improve, Augment |