"B" Synonyms in English and Hindi
Table of Contents
“B” Nouns
SN | Noun | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Baby | बच्चा | Infant, Newborn, Toddler |
2 | Background | पृष्ठभूमि | Backdrop, Context, Setting |
3 | Balance | संतुलन | Equilibrium, Stability, Harmony |
4 | Ball | गेंद | Sphere, Orb, Globe |
5 | Band | बैंड | Group, Ensemble, Orchestra |
6 | Bank | बैंक | Financial institution, Repository, Depository |
7 | Bar | बार | Pub, Tavern, Saloon |
8 | Barrier | बाधा | Obstacle, Hindrance, Blockade |
9 | Base | आधार | Foundation, Bottom, Groundwork |
10 | Battle | युद्ध | Fight, Conflict, Struggle |
11 | Beach | समुद्र तट | Coast, Shore, Seaside |
12 | Beam | किरण | Ray, Shaft, Bar |
13 | Bear | भालू | Animal, Bruin, Mammal |
14 | Beauty | सुंदरता | Attractiveness, Loveliness, Grace |
15 | Bed | बिस्तर | Mattress, Cot, Bunk |
16 | Behavior | व्यवहार | Conduct, Manner, Demeanor |
17 | Belief | विश्वास | Faith, Conviction, Creed |
18 | Bell | घंटी | Chime, Gong, Tocsin |
19 | Belt | बेल्ट | Strap, Band, Sash |
20 | Bench | बेंच | Seat, Pew, Workbench |
21 | Benefit | लाभ | Advantage, Profit, Gain |
22 | Berry | जामुन | Fruit, Seed, Drupel |
23 | Bicycle | साइकिल | Bike, Cycle, Two-wheeler |
24 | Bid | बोली | Offer, Proposal, Tender |
25 | Bird | पक्षी | Avian, Fowl, Winged animal |
26 | Birth | जन्म | Beginning, Start, Genesis |
27 | Bit | बिट | Piece, Fragment, Part |
28 | Bite | काटना | Nip, Snap, Gnaw |
29 | Blade | ब्लेड | Edge, Cutter, Knife |
30 | Blame | दोष | Fault, Responsibility, Guilt |
31 | Blanket | कंबल | Quilt, Cover, Throw |
32 | Blast | विस्फोट | Explosion, Burst, Detonation |
33 | Blend | मिश्रण | Mixture, Combination, Fusion |
34 | Blessing | आशीर्वाद | Boon, Benediction, Favor |
35 | Block | ब्लॉक | Cube, Chunk, Obstruction |
36 | Blood | रक्त | Plasma, Fluid, Life force |
37 | Bloom | खिलना | Flower, Blossom, Flourish |
38 | Blunder | भूल | Mistake, Error, Slip |
39 | Board | बोर्ड | Plank, Panel, Committee |
40 | Boat | नाव | Vessel, Ship, Craft |
41 | Body | शरीर | Physique, Form, Frame |
42 | Bond | बंधन | Tie, Link, Connection |
43 | Bone | हड्डी | Skeletal, Framework, Structure |
44 | Book | पुस्तक | Volume, Publication, Tome |
45 | Boom | उछाल | Expansion, Growth, Surge |
46 | Boost | बढ़ावा | Increase, Lift, Enhancement |
47 | Border | सीमा | Boundary, Edge, Margin |
48 | Bore | बोर करना | Drill, Pierce, Penetrate |
49 | Borrow | उधार लेना | Lend, Acquire, Take |
50 | Boss | बॉस | Supervisor, Manager, Chief |
51 | Bottle | बोतल | Container, Flask, Jar |
52 | Boundary | सीमा | Border, Limit, Edge |
53 | Bounty | इनाम | Reward, Generosity, Bonus |
54 | Bracelet | कंगन | Bangle, Cuff, Band |
55 | Brain | मस्तिष्क | Intellect, Mind, Cerebrum |
56 | Branch | शाखा | Limb, Bough, Division |
57 | Brand | ब्रांड | Trademark, Label, Name |
58 | Brass | पीतल | Alloy, Metal, Bronze |
59 | Bread | रोटी | Loaf, Dough, Bakery |
60 | Break | विराम | Pause, Interval, Recess |
61 | Breath | सांस | Inhalation, Exhalation, Breathe |
62 | Breeze | हवा | Wind, Draft, Zephyr |
63 | Bridge | पुल | Overpass, Viaduct, Link |
64 | Brightness | चमक | Luminosity, Brilliance, Glow |
65 | Brilliance | प्रतिभा | Genius, Talent, Brightness |
66 | Brink | कगार | Edge, Verge, Threshold |
67 | Bristle | कांटा | Thorn, Spine, Quill |
68 | Brochure | ब्रोशर | Pamphlet, Booklet, Leaflet |
69 | Brook | नदी | Stream, Creek, Rivulet |
70 | Bruise | चोट | Contusion, Injury, Mark |
71 | Bubble | बुलबुला | Blister, Bead, Droplet |
72 | Budget | बजट | Plan, Estimate, Allocation |
73 | Buffer | बफर | Cushion, Barrier, Shield |
74 | Bug | कीट | Insect, Glitch, Microbe |
75 | Build | निर्माण | Construction, Structure, Formation |
76 | Bulb | बल्ब | Light, Globe, Lamp |
77 | Bulk | थोक | Mass, Volume, Quantity |
78 | Bull | बैल | Ox, Male bovine, Beast |
79 | Bullet | गोली | Projectile, Shot, Shell |
80 | Bunch | गुच्छा | Cluster, Group, Collection |
81 | Burden | बोझ | Load, Weight, Responsibility |
82 | Bureau | कार्यालय | Office, Agency, Department |
83 | Burn | जलन | Flame, Scorch, Ignite |
84 | Burst | फटना | Explosion, Outbreak, Eruption |
85 | Bush | झाड़ी | Shrub, Hedge, Thicket |
86 | Business | व्यवसाय | Trade, Company, Enterprise |
87 | Bust | बस्ट | Sculpture, Statue, Effigy |
88 | Bustle | हलचल | Commotion, Hustle, Activity |
89 | Busywork | व्यस्त कार्य | Trivial work, Time-filler, Drudgery |
90 | Butterfly | तितली | Insect, Moth, Lepidopteran |
91 | Button | बटन | Fastener, Knob, Switch |
92 | Buy | खरीद | Purchase, Acquisition, Investment |
93 | Buzz | गुंजाइश | Hum, Murmur, Noise |
94 | Bypass | बाईपास | Detour, Alternate route, Circumvention |
95 | Byte | बाइट | Unit of data, Computer memory, |
96 | Bazaar | बाजार | Market, Fair, Marketplace |
97 | Beacon | प्रकाश स्तंभ | Light, Signal, Guide |
98 | Bead | मोती | Droplet, Pearl, Orb |
99 | Beam | बीम | Ray, Shaft of light, Girder |
100 | Beast | जानवर | Animal, Creature, Brute |
“B” Adjectives
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Beautiful | सुंदर | Attractive, Pretty, Lovely |
2 | Bold | साहसी | Brave, Daring, Courageous |
3 | Bright | उज्ज्वल | Shiny, Luminous, Brilliant |
4 | Broad | व्यापक | Wide, Expansive, Extensive |
5 | Busy | व्यस्त | Occupied, Engaged, Active |
6 | Brave | बहादुर | Courageous, Valiant, Heroic |
7 | Brief | संक्षिप्त | Short, Concise, Succinct |
8 | Broken | टूटा हुआ | Shattered, Fractured, Cracked |
9 | Bitter | कड़वा | Sour, Harsh, Acrid |
10 | Blissful | आनंदमय | Joyful, Delighted, Happy |
11 | Blunt | कुंद | Dull, Unsharpened, Straightforward |
12 | Bold | निडर | Daring, Audacious, Fearless |
13 | Bright | प्रकाशमान | Shining, Radiant, Vivid |
14 | Brisk | तेज़ | Quick, Lively, Energetic |
15 | Broad | चौड़ा | Wide, Expansive, Comprehensive |
16 | Brutal | निर्दयी | Cruel, Harsh, Savage |
17 | Bubbly | बुलबुले वाला | Effervescent, Lively, Cheerful |
18 | Budgetary | बजटीय | Financial, Economical, Fiscal |
19 | Bulky | भारी | Large, Heavy, Massive |
20 | Bumpy | ऊबड़ | Rough, Uneven, Lumpy |
21 | Buoyant | प्रफुल्ल | Light-hearted, Upbeat, Resilient |
22 | Burdensome | भारी | Heavy, Onerous, Taxing |
23 | Burnt | जला हुआ | Scorched, Charred, Seared |
24 | Bustling | गुलज़ार | Busy, Active, Lively |
25 | Buttery | मक्खन जैसा | Smooth, Rich, Creamy |
26 | Buzzing | गुंजायमान | Humming, Vibrant, Lively |
27 | Baffling | चकित करने वाला | Confusing, Perplexing, Mystifying |
28 | Barren | बंजर | Unproductive, Sterile, Desolate |
29 | Bashful | शर्मीला | Shy, Timid, Reserved |
30 | Basic | मूल | Fundamental, Simple, Elementary |
31 | Battered | क्षत-विक्षत | Damaged, Beaten, Worn |
32 | Beaming | दमकता हुआ | Radiant, Shining, Bright |
33 | Beloved | प्रिय | Cherished, Adored, Loved |
34 | Beneficial | लाभकारी | Advantageous, Helpful, Profitable |
35 | Bewildered | हैरान | Confused, Puzzled, Perplexed |
36 | Biased | पक्षपाती | Prejudiced, Partial, Unfair |
37 | Bilingual | द्विभाषी | Multilingual, Fluent in two languages, Polyglot |
38 | Bitter | कड़वा | Sour, Acerbic, Harsh |
39 | Bizarre | अजीब | Strange, Weird, Unusual |
40 | Blackened | काला हुआ | Charred, Scorched, Burnt |
41 | Blameless | निर्दोष | Innocent, Guiltless, Exonerated |
42 | Bland | बेस्वाद | Tasteless, Dull, Uninteresting |
43 | Blank | खाली | Empty, Void, Clear |
44 | Blaring | चिल्लाता हुआ | Loud, Noisy, Deafening |
45 | Bleak | सुनसान | Grim, Dreary, Desolate |
46 | Blinding | अंधा करने वाला | Dazzling, Bright, Shining |
47 | Blissful | आनंदमय | Joyful, Happy, Delighted |
48 | Blooming | खिलता हुआ | Flourishing, Thriving, Blossoming |
49 | Blunt | कुंद | Dull, Unsharpened, Straightforward |
50 | Boisterous | उधमी | Rowdy, Noisy, Raucous |
51 | Bold | साहसिक | Brave, Daring, Audacious |
52 | Bony | हड्डीदार | Skeletal, Gaunt, Lean |
53 | Boring | उबाऊ | Dull, Tedious, Monotonous |
54 | Boundless | असीम | Unlimited, Infinite, Endless |
55 | Bountiful | प्रचुर | Abundant, Plentiful, Generous |
56 | Brash | ढीठ | Impudent, Bold, Rash |
57 | Brave | वीर | Courageous, Valiant, Fearless |
58 | Breathtaking | मनोरम | Amazing, Stunning, Spectacular |
59 | Breezy | हवादार | Airy, Windy, Light |
60 | Brief | संक्षिप्त | Short, Concise, Succinct |
61 | Bright | उज्ज्वल | Shiny, Radiant, Luminous |
62 | Brilliant | प्रतिभाशाली | Intelligent, Dazzling, Superb |
63 | Brisk | फुर्तीला | Quick, Active, Lively |
64 | Brittle | नाजुक | Fragile, Breakable, Crisp |
65 | Broad | चौड़ा | Wide, Expansive, Extensive |
66 | Broken | टूटा हुआ | Fractured, Damaged, Shattered |
67 | Bronze | कांस्य | Coppery, Tan, Metallic-brown |
68 | Bumpy | ऊबड़-खाबड़ | Rough, Uneven, Lumpy |
69 | Buoyant | तैरता हुआ | Floaty, Light, Resilient |
70 | Burdensome | भारी | Heavy, Onerous, Oppressive |
71 | Burgeoning | बढ़ता हुआ | Growing, Expanding, Flourishing |
72 | Burly | मजबूत | Strong, Sturdy, Muscular |
73 | Burnished | चमकदार | Polished, Shiny, Glossy |
74 | Bustling | गुलज़ार | Busy, Active, Lively |
75 | Busy | व्यस्त | Occupied, Engaged, Active |
“B” Adverbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Badly | बुरी तरह से | Poorly, Severely, Greatly |
2 | Barely | मुश्किल से | Scarcely, Hardly, Just |
3 | Beautifully | सुंदरता से | Elegantly, Gracefully, Exquisitely |
4 | Beforehand | पहले से | Previously, Earlier, In advance |
5 | Belatedly | देर से | Late, Tardily, After the fact |
6 | Beneficially | लाभकारी रूप से | Advantageously, Profitably, Favorably |
7 | Bitterly | कड़वाहट से | Sharply, Severely, Intensely |
8 | Blindly | अंधाधुंध | Unquestioningly, Indiscriminately, Without thinking |
9 | Boldly | साहस से | Courageously, Bravely, Daringly |
10 | Bravely | वीरता से | Courageously, Boldly, Heroically |
11 | Briefly | संक्षेप में | Concisely, Shortly, In brief |
12 | Brightly | उज्ज्वलता से | Brilliantly, Vividly, Shiningly |
13 | Briskly | तेज़ी से | Quickly, Energetically, Lively |
14 | Broadly | व्यापक रूप से | Widely, Generally, Extensively |
15 | Brutally | निर्दयता से | Savagely, Mercilessly, Harshly |
16 | Buoyantly | प्रफुल्लित होकर | Lightly, Cheerfully, Optimistically |
17 | Bluntly | स्पष्टता से | Frankly, Directly, Straightforwardly |
18 | Bashfully | शर्मीलेपन से | Shyly, Modestly, Timidly |
19 | Biweekly | द्वि-साप्ताहिक | Every two weeks, Fortnightly, |
20 | Bilingually | द्विभाषी रूप से | In two languages, Multilingually, |
21 | Blissfully | आनंदपूर्वक | Joyfully, Happily, Delightedly |
22 | Blithely | आनंदित होकर | Carefreely, Light-heartedly, Unconcernedly |
23 | Bombastically | शब्दाडंबरपूर्वक | Pompously, Grandiloquently, Ostentatiously |
24 | Boastfully | डींग हांकते हुए | Arrogantly, Braggartly, Proudly |
25 | Bodily | शारीरिक रूप से | Physically, Corporeally, |
26 | Briskly | फुर्तीला | Quickly, Lively, Agilely |
27 | Brittlely | नाजुकता से | Fragilely, Delicately, Easily broken |
28 | Broodingly | चिंतनशीलता से | Thoughtfully, Pensively, Meditatively |
29 | Brutishly | जानवरों की तरह | Bestially, Savagely, In a brutish manner |
30 | Blithely | प्रसन्नतापूर्वक | Merrily, Joyously, Cheerfully |
“B” Verbs
SN | English | Hindi | Synonyms |
1 | Bake | बेक करना | Cook, Roast, Broil |
2 | Balance | संतुलन बनाना | Equilibrate, Stabilize, Counterbalance |
3 | Ban | प्रतिबंधित करना | Prohibit, Forbid, Block |
4 | Bargain | मोलभाव करना | Negotiate, Haggle, Deal |
5 | Bathe | नहाना | Shower, Soak, Wash |
6 | Battle | लड़ना | Fight, Combat, Clash |
7 | Beam | मुस्कुराना | Smile, Radiate, Shine |
8 | Bear | सहन करना | Endure, Tolerate, Sustain |
9 | Beat | पीटना | Thrash, Pound, Defeat |
10 | Become | बनना | Turn into, Grow into, Transform |
11 | Beg | भीख मांगना | Plead, Implore, Solicit |
12 | Begin | शुरू करना | Start, Commence, Initiate |
13 | Behave | व्यवहार करना | Act, Conduct oneself, Operate |
14 | Belong | संबंधित होना | Fit in, Be part of, Associate |
15 | Bend | मोड़ना | Flex, Curve, Twist |
16 | Bet | शर्त लगाना | Wager, Gamble, Stake |
17 | Betray | धोखा देना | Deceive, Mislead, Double-cross |
18 | Bind | बाँधना | Tie, Secure, Fasten |
19 | Bite | काटना | Nip, Gnaw, Chew |
20 | Blame | दोष देना | Accuse, Criticize, Condemn |
21 | Blend | मिश्रण करना | Mix, Combine, Merge |
22 | Bless | आशीर्वाद देना | Consecrate, Sanctify, Commend |
23 | Blind | अंधा करना | Dazzle, Obscure, Deprive of sight |
24 | Blink | पलक झपकाना | Wink, Flicker, Flash |
25 | Block | अवरुद्ध करना | Obstruct, Barricade, Hinder |
26 | Bloom | खिलना | Flower, Blossom, Flourish |
27 | Blot | दाग लगाना | Stain, Spot, Mark |
28 | Blow | फूंक मारना | Puff, Breathe, Gust |
29 | Blush | लजाना | Flush, Turn red, Crimson |
30 | Boast | डींग हांकना | Brag, Swagger, Exaggerate |