21. Essay: "A Day at the Beach"
The beach is a place of beauty, fun, and relaxation. A day spent at the beach can be memorable and enjoyable. Here’s what makes a day at the beach so special.
The beach offers a beautiful natural landscape with its sandy shores, crystal-clear waters, and the rhythmic sound of waves. It’s a perfect setting for relaxation and taking in the beauty of nature. The feeling of sand beneath your feet and the gentle sea breeze is incredibly soothing.
There are numerous activities to enjoy at the beach, from swimming in the ocean to building sandcastles, playing beach volleyball, or simply sunbathing. These activities are not only fun but also great for physical health.
A day at the beach is also an opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends. Whether it’s having a picnic, playing games, or just walking along the shore, the beach setting enhances the experience of togetherness.
Moreover, the beach is a place to witness some of the most stunning natural phenomena, such as sunrises, sunsets, and the vast expanse of the horizon. It’s a reminder of the vastness and beauty of the natural world.
In conclusion, a day at the beach offers a blend of relaxation, fun, and natural beauty. It’s a chance to disconnect from the daily grind and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
Vocabulary List
1. Shores (किनारे) – The land along the edge of a sea, lake, or other large body of water. – समुद्र, झील, या अन्य बड़े जल निकाय के किनारे की भूमि।
2. Sunbathing (धूप सेंकना) – Lying in the sun to tan the skin. – त्वचा को काला करने के लिए धूप में लेटना।
3. Picnic (पिकनिक) – An outing or occasion that involves taking a packed meal to be eaten outdoors. – एक भ्रमण या अवसर जिसमें बाहर खाने के लिए पैक किया गया भोजन ले जाना शामिल है।
4. Natural Phenomena (प्राकृतिक घटनाएँ) – Events or sights in nature that are not man-made, like sunsets or the ocean waves. – प्रकृति में घटनाएँ या दृश्य जो मानव निर्मित नहीं हैं, जैसे सूर्यास्त या समुद्र की लहरें।
5. Relaxation (विश्राम) – The state of being free from tension and anxiety. – तनाव और चिंता से मुक्त होने की स्थिति।
6. Togetherness (साथ होना) – The state of being close to another person or other people. – दूसरे व्यक्ति या अन्य लोगों के करीब होने की स्थिति।
7. Vastness (विशालता) – The quality of being very large or immense. – बहुत बड़ा या अपार होने की गुणवत्ता।
8. Disconnect (विच्छेद) – To detach or separate from something; to take a break from the usual. – किसी चीज से अलग होना या विभाजित करना; सामान्य से एक ब्रेक लेना।
9. Grind (रोजमर्रा का काम) – The routine of everyday work or activity, especially when seen as dull or repetitively hard work. – रोजमर्रा के काम या गतिविधि की दिनचर्या, विशेष रूप से जब इसे नीरस या बार-बार कठिन कार्य के रूप में देखा जाता है।
10. Simple Pleasures (साधारण आनंद) – Enjoyment derived from uncomplicated or ordinary activities. – अजटिल या सामान्य गतिविधियों से प्राप्त आनंद।