17. Essay: “My Dream House” - ...

17. Essay: "My Dream House"

Everyone has a vision of their dream house, a place where they feel most comfortable and happy. My dream house is a reflection of my personality and aspirations. Here’s what it looks like.
My dream house would be located in a peaceful countryside, surrounded by nature. It would be a spacious, two-story house with large windows to let in natural light and offer beautiful views of the surrounding landscape. The exterior would have a classic design with modern touches.
The interior of the house would be warm and welcoming. The living room would be cozy, with comfortable sofas and a fireplace for cold evenings. There would be a large kitchen with modern appliances, where I could enjoy cooking and baking.
Each bedroom would be designed to reflect the preferences of its occupant. My bedroom would be simple yet elegant, with soothing colors and a small balcony to enjoy the morning sun.
The house would also have a beautiful garden with various flowers and plants. This would be my sanctuary for relaxation and gardening. A small pond with fish and a seating area would make the garden a perfect place to unwind.
Additionally, I imagine my dream house to have an area dedicated to hobbies and creativity, like a studio for painting or a small library filled with books.
In conclusion, my dream house is a place of comfort, tranquility, and happiness. It’s a space where I can relax, enjoy my hobbies, and spend time with loved ones. It’s not just about the physical structure, but about creating a home filled with love and memories.

Vocabulary List

1. Spacious (विशाल) – Having ample space; large and roomy. – पर्याप्त स्थान वाला; बड़ा और विशाल।

2. Countryside (ग्रामीण क्षेत्र) – Rural areas outside towns and cities. – शहरों और कस्बों के बाहर के ग्रामीण क्षेत्र।

3. Fireplace (चिमनी) – A place for a domestic fire, especially a grate or hearth at the base of a chimney. – एक घरेलू आग के लिए स्थान, विशेष रूप से एक चिमनी के आधार पर एक ग्रेट या हार्थ।

4. Sanctuary (अभयारण्य) – A place of refuge or safety; a nature reserve. – शरण या सुरक्षा का स्थान; एक प्रकृति रिजर्व।

5. Tranquillity (शांति) – The quality or state of being tranquil; calm. – शांत होने की गुणवत्ता या स्थिति।

6. Balcony (बालकनी) – A platform enclosed by a wall or balustrade on the outside of a building, with access from an upper-floor window or door. – एक इमारत के बाहर एक दीवार या बालुस्ट्रेड द्वारा घिरा एक मंच, जिसकी पहुंच ऊपरी मंजिल की खिड़की या दरवाजे से होती है।

7. Sanctuary (शांत स्थल) – A place of refuge or rest; a peaceful and safe area. – शरण या विश्राम का स्थान; एक शांतिपूर्ण और सुरक्षित क्षेत्र।

8. Pond (तालाब) – A small body of still water, typically one formed naturally. – एक छोटा स्थिर पानी का शरीर, आमतौर पर एक प्राकृतिक रूप से बना।

9. Unwind (विश्राम करना) – To relax after a period of work or tension. – काम या तनाव की अवधि के बाद विश्राम करना।

10. Creativity (रचनात्मकता) – The use of imagination or original ideas to create something. – किसी चीज को बनाने के लिए कल्पना या मौलिक विचारों का उपयोग।

11. Studio (स्टूडियो) – A room where an artist, photographer, sculptor, etc., works. – एक कमरा जहां कोई कलाकार, फोटोग्राफर, मूर्तिकार, आदि काम करता है।

12. Library (पुस्तकालय) – A room or building containing books that can be read or borrowed. – एक कमरा या इमारत जिसमें पढ़ी या उधार ली जा सकने वाली किताबें होती हैं।

13. Comfort (आराम) – A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. – शारीरिक आसानी और दर्द या बाधा से मुक्ति की स्थिति।

14. Aspirations (आकांक्षाएँ) – Strong desires or ambitions to achieve something. – कुछ हासिल करने के लिए मजबूत इच्छाएं या महत्वाकांक्षाएं।

15. Personality (व्यक्तित्व) – The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character. – विशेषताओं या गुणों का संयोजन जो एक व्यक्ति के विशिष्ट चरित्र का निर्माण करता है।
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