10. Essay: “My Family” - ...

10. Essay: "My Family"

Family is an compulsory part of our lives. It consists of people who are related to us by blood, such as parents, siblings, and grandparents. Each family is unique, but all share a common bond of love and support. Here is a brief description of my family.
My family includes my father, mother, brother, and sister. My father is a hardworking person who provides for our family. He is kind and always ready to help others. My mother is the heart of our family. She takes care of our home and ensures we are all healthy and happy.
My brother is younger than me. He is playful and enjoys sports. We often play games together and have a lot of fun. My sister is the youngest. She is bright and loves to read books. I enjoy helping her with her studies.
We enjoy spending time together, whether it’s eating meals, watching movies, or going on trips. These moments create memories that we cherish forever. We support each other in tough times and celebrate together in happy moments.
In my family, we learn important values like respect, kindness, and cooperation. We share our joys and challenges, and this makes our bond stronger.
In conclusion, my family is a source of love and support. They play a valuable role in my life and help shape who I am. Families are important because they provide a sense of belonging and a network of support.

Vocabulary List

1. Siblings (भाई-बहन) – Brothers or sisters. – भाई या बहनें।

2. Support (समर्थन) – Assistance and encouragement. – सहायता और प्रोत्साहन।

3. Playful (चंचल) – Full of fun and high spirits. – मजेदार और उत्साह से भरपूर।

4. Cherish (संजोना) – Protect and care for lovingly. – प्यार से सुरक्षित रखना और देखभाल करना।

5. Cooperation (सहयोग) – Working together towards a common goal. – सामान्य लक्ष्य की ओर मिलकर काम करना।

6. Respect (सम्मान) – A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. – किसी की क्षमताओं, गुणों, या उपलब्धियों द्वारा प्रेरित किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के लिए गहरी प्रशंसा की भावना।

7. Kindness (दयालुता) – The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. – मित्रतापूर्ण, उदार, और विचारशील होने की गुणवत्ता।

8. Bond (बंधन) – A strong connection that binds people together. – एक मजबूत संबंध जो लोगों को एक साथ बांधता है।

9. Challenges (चुनौतियां) – Difficult situations that require a response or solution. – कठिन परिस्थितियाँ जिनके लिए प्रतिक्रिया या समाधान की आवश्यकता होती है।

10. Belonging (अपनत्व) – An affinity for a place or situation. – किसी स्थान या परिस्थिति के लिए एक संबंध।

11. Network of Support (समर्थन का नेटवर्क) – A system of individuals or resources one can rely on for assistance. – व्यक्तियों या संसाधनों का एक सिस्टम जिस पर कोई
सहायता के लिए भरोसा कर सकता है।

12. Valuable (महत्वपूर्ण) – Having a particular meaning; indicative of something. – किसी विशेष अर्थ का होना; किसी चीज का सूचक।

13. Values (मूल्य) – Principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life. – व्यवहार के सिद्धांत या मानक; जीवन में क्या महत्वपूर्ण है, इसकी किसी की निर्णय।

14. Role (भूमिका) – The function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation. – एक विशेष स्थिति में एक व्यक्ति या चीज द्वारा मान लिया गया कार्य या भाग।

15. Shape (आकार) – The external form or appearance characteristic of someone or something. – किसी की या किसी चीज की बाहरी रूपरेखा या उपस्थिति की विशेषता।

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